How do I manage user level Slack integration?

How do I manage user level Slack integration?

In order to use Slack integration at the user level, it needs to be set up at the instance level. Managing Slack integration for more details. 

When Slack is in the connected state, an additional column would appear under company directory >> users tab. This column would indicate whether a user is in UpRaise has his Slack account connected. Active Slack icon indicates that user is connected in Slack whereas the disabled state indicates Upraise was not able to find a Slack account with that user's email address.


Click on these icons to connect/disconnect Slack accounts at the user level.

Few important points to note here -

  • At the time of Slack authorisation, UpRaise automatically connects users in UpRaise with their respective Slack accounts by comparing email addresses

    • Underlying assumption is - both UpRaise /Jira & Slack accounts are based on the same email address

  • Users whose email address in UpRaise/Jira does not match with any Slack account, are left in disconnected state

  • By clicking on the icon against each user, you will be able to check which email address is used for matching Upraise/Jira account to Slack account

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