


Currently we have added a report called Release Scopes and trends in the app. As there is no easy way to keep track of the issue type distribution trend across different releases in a Jira project. e.g. number of stories that went live in the last 5 releases or the number of bugs that were fixed in the last 6 months & so on. With this report that gap can be addressed to some extent.

This is the first version of the report and we intend to keep it enhancing & adding more report-related functionalities. Let us see how to use this report.

  • By default system launches the report with the past six months of releases related report. You can modify the date range.

  • Clicking on each color in the bar shows the number of issues of that type and the release date.

  • R indicates Release, U indicates Unreleased and A indicates Archived.

  • Based on the given date range, bar chart is displayed in ascending order of release date that is oldest release date (from left) to latest release date ( to right ).

Report without Sub tasks

Since the include sub tasks check box is not checked it only shows Task, Story, Bug, and Epic type issues in the report.


Report with Sub tasks

Checking Include sub tasks box results in displaying Task, Story, Bug, and Epic type issues along with the subtasks.

Decide what type of issues you want to view on the report

Clicking on the issue type or sub tasks at the top of the report, allows you to disable them and see a specific type of issues or sub tasks related report. This will help you do a quick comparison or identify the trend based on type and number of issues and subtasks in each release.