Manage teams
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Create team
Navigate to ‘Company directory' >> 'Teams’ tab.
Click on 'Add team'.
Following are the team attributes associated with team/s.
Add team logo - Add an image as team logo
Name - Team name, example - Sales, Marketing, etc.
Jira groups - Select relevant Jira groups to sync with UpRaise teams. Read
Parent team - Select relevant parent team.
Team lead - Select relevant user as team lead.
Type - Select/define team type. Example - Business, Department, Products, Retail, etc.
Description - Add relevant description.
You can also create a team while creating user /editing user details.
Edit/ Delete/ Mark inactive
Click on the ‘Edit’ action
Edit relevant details and ‘Update’
If the team is synced with Jira grooup/s, you can not change team members here. That happens only from the Jira groups. Read
Click on the ‘Delete’ action
And confirm the action
You can not delete a team if it has any OKRs associated with it. First you need to delete associated OKRs and then delete the team
You ca not delete teams if there are any team members associated in te team. First you need to remove team members and then you delete team.
If there are any team objectives imported in forms, in that case first delete those distribution/s, then delete relevant team objectives, and then system allows you to delete the team.
Mark active/inactive
As mentioned in above panel, when it comes to deleting a team, it becomes a tedious job to remove all user/OKRs associations. These situations might create problems wherein teams are formed & disbanded frequently & OKRs shouldn't be removed from the system. To solve this issue, we have added the ability to mark the team as active/inactive. You can also filter teams with their statuses.
When teams are marked inactive these are few quick facts you need to keep in mind -
You cannot add or remove team members from inactive team/s.
You cannot search inactive teams while creating objectives, sharing objectives/feedback, distributing forms, etc.
You can filter active/inactive teams with a status filter on ‘Teams’ tab.
You can not mark a team as inactive if it's a parent or children team, you should remove the hierarchy to mark it as inactive.
Marking team inactive does not impact on UpRaise access of its team members.
You can execute all above actions from team profile too. Click on the relevant team name/search it from global search option and then click on in the top right corner. Execute desired action.
From users page
Click on 'Filter' link
Search a team by its name in 'Name' field
Global search
In the left-hand top corner, click within search filed
Type team name and search
This takes you to the team profile page. If you have sufficient permissions, you can edit/view team details
Manage team types
Team type is a team attribute that allowed you to segment teams based on its type/level. For example, you have a team called ‘Human Resources’ and that is ‘Department’ level team the Department can be defined as one of the team types.
Navigate to ‘Company directory’ >> 'Teams' tab
In ‘Type’ column click on ‘Manage’ link
On the pop-up you can 'Add/Edit/Delete team type'
Based on these team types you can create extra levels of objectives read Objective levels.
Other related readings