User profile/My profile & team profiles

User profile/My profile & team profiles

User profile/My profile

When you click on any user’s name, user profile page is displayed. This page is to find all the personal & professional details of your co-workers.

When you click on your own name, or on 'My profile' page from the left navigation, you will be able to see your own personal & professional details.

Details are displayed with sections and with profile attributes according to setup made by admins. Data on my profile/user profile page is visible based on the visibility settings made by admins.

On this page, you will see following tabs -

  • User profile

  • History

  • Objectives & KRs

  • Feedback

  • Notifications

User profile

This tab is all about the personal & professional details of the user. As shown in the image below, the default section contains some default/system-defined attributes.

Default section

In above image, default section shows information that is related to default user attributes of the app. This section shows below the default user attribute-related information of the user.

  • User status - Active/Inactive/Deleted

  • UpRaise Role - User/User with company OKRs permission/Admin/Super admin/No access

  • Designation - Relevant designation of the user

  • Manager - Reporting manager’s name

  • Teams - One or more team names that user belongs to

  • Leave policy - Leave policy user is currently enrolled in

  • Holiday scheme - Holiday scheme user is currently enrolled in

  • Workweek scheme - Workweek scheme user is currently enrolled in

  • Direct reports - List direct report’s name/s

If you have a pencil icon on the profile attribute that means you can edit details. This depends on the Roles & permissions set by your admins.

All other sections are defined by UpRaise admins along with contained attributes. Read Profile sections & attributes for more details.


This tab shows you all the history of changes made in profile attributes, for example, Designation, Manager, Teams, UpRaise role, User status, etc. As and when there are any changes by system or UpRaise users with sufficient permissions, the entry is recorded in the history.

Objectives & KRs

This page list downs all your OKRs that are Active, Scheduled & Past objectives. These objectives are the ones that are owned by your or are shared with you or you own one or more KRs in.

When you access someone else's user profile, you can also see that user's Active, Schedule, and Past objectives only if they are visible to you. 


Within this tab, logged-in users can see their own active, schedule, and past objectives. When you access someone else's user profile, you can also see that user's active, schedule, and past objectives only if they are visible to you. 


This tab shows your received and given feedback. When you access someone else's user profile, you can also see that users received and given feedback only if they are visible to you/you have permission to view user profiles. 

Team profile

A Team profile is a display of team's details. One can navigate to any team profile by simply clicking on team's name on any of the pages in the app. Team profiles are visible irrespective of company directory is published or not. 

There are two tabs on the profile -

  • Team members

  • Objectives & KRs

Team members

This tab shows all team information. Like, Logo, Name, Team lead, Parent team, Description, etc. Along with this one can see the list of team members & their designations.

Objectives & KRs

This tab is to see all team-level OKRs. Clicking on objectives & KRs tab shows all active, scheduled & past OKRs. Do note you can see OKRs only those are made visible to you.

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