Key result configurations

Key result configurations

This setting can be used for following three Key Result configurations -

  • Enable or disable Jira issue & Jira issue via JQL KRs

  • Enable or disable Jira issue & Jira issue via JQL as actions actions within Metric & To do KRs

  • Progress Automation for Metric KRs

  • Jira issue & Jira issue via KR’s progress calculations

  • Metric & JQL job frequency

Let us see all of these settings one by one.

Enable KRs

By default, all the highlighted checkboxes are set as true. Which means users can create -

  1. Jira issues as KRs & Jira issue KRs via JQL.

  2. Link Jira issues as actions with Metric

  3. Link Jira issues as actions with To do KRs.

In any case, if you do want this linkage, you can uncheck relevant checkboxes to remove above mentioned association of Jira issues as KRs & Actions.

Progress Automation for Metric KRs

Currently, progress automation is only applicable to the Metric type of key result. Clicking on Progress calculations link beside Metric expands the checkbox to turn on Metric progress automation. If this option is checked read How does KR progress automation work? for more details.

Jira issue progress calculations

By default, UpRaise calculates Jira issue & Jira issue (Via JQL) KR progress based on linked Jira issue’s resolution. If the resolution field is empty, the progress 0% if it is not empty, progress is 100%. If you want the progress of these issues other that 0% or 100% then you can use these settings.

When you are using Jira issue or Jira issue (via JQL) KRs, you can link any type of Jira issues as KRs. When it is Epic, it may contain Jira issues and sub-tasks within these issue. Also it could be Jira issue that contains sub-tasks. In such case these settings help you to define whether system should consider Jira issue & Sub-tasks within Epic when added as KR. Similarly, Sub tasks within Jira issues when Jira issue is added as KR.

Read How to manage progress calculation settings for Jira epics & issues as KRs? for details.

Metric & JQL job frequency

Whenever any change happens in the issue statuses or any issue is added or deleted from search results according to your JQL, system should recalculate the progress percentage of the KR. For the recalculation, we have added this cron expression to decides the frequency of jobs to recalculate the progress percentage. By default,  progress is recalculated by system four times a day (after every six hours starting at 00am of every day).

Of course, change these cron expressions to set any frequency.  Refer the image below for some more cron expressions. 

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