Create, Edit, Delete objectives

Objective levels

There are three default levels of objectives within UpRaise -

  • Company

  • Team

  • Individual

These are the default levels as well as default display names. You can change display names to something like Organization level, Group Goals, Personal Goals etc. You can also add more levels of OKRs at team level as explained here in . One can also disable or enable default levels as explained here.

Company level objectives

Company objectives are the top-level objectives. These are typically your organization-level goals. These are the bigger pictures of what you want to achieve as an organization & most of the times they have long duration time frames. These OKRs are further cascaded into Team & Individual objectives. So these objectives are accomplished via key results & aligned objectives(If any).

Team level objectives

Next is Team level objective, these are your group objective where entire team comes together to achieve something at team level. These objectives are owned by one person and supported by others via key results. Team objectives can contribute to other company & team level objectives and can receive contribution from other team and individual objectives.

Individual-level objectives

There are typically personal-level goals. These can be something related to you skill development that supports your professional growth something that your organization wants you to achieve as an employee. Individual-level being the lowest level objective can contribute to all levels of objectives but can receive a contribution from only other individual-level objectives.

Create objectives

If you have sufficient permissions, you will have an option to Add objective. Add objective option is available at different places within the app like on OKR page, from sing in UpRaise left navigation, etc.

On Add objective pop-up, add following attributes to create an objective.

  • Level - Select the relevant level.

  • Objective cycle - Select the relevant objective cycle.

  • Team - Select team to whom the objective should belong to. (This is applicable only for Team objectives)

  • Title - Add an objective title.

  • Start & end date - Select start & end date. These must be between objective cycle’s start & end dates.

  • Owner - It can be you or any other users based on what permissions you have.

  • Visibility - Define whether your objective should be visible to all users or selected teams/users.

  • Labels - This is to classify your OKRs. For example, New products, Revenue, Personal growth, etc.

  • Description - Any relevant description of your Objective.

  • Contributes to - This is not mandatory, but if needed you can align your objective or do it later.

    • Weightage - This decides the impact of current objective on the parent objective.

Once done with the adding all above details, click on Save.

Edit objectives

If you have sufficient permission, you can edit objective at given levels. Edit option is available at different places like on objective details page, browse tab, objectives & KRs tab on user & team profile pages, summary tab on objectives & key results page, etc.

Edit necessary details and Save.

If you have edited any objective, the history of that activity is maintained within History tab of Activity section on the respective objective details page.

Delete objectives

Similar to create/edit objectives, you should have sufficient permissions to delete objectives. Objectives can be deleted from different places like from objective details page, column of browse tab, objectives & KRs tab on user & team profile pages, summary tab on objectives & key results page, etc.

Once you delete an objective it cannot be restored, so make sure that you are deleting the right objective.

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