Add, Edit, Delete Key Results

Add new Key result

KRs can be added from different places within the app. Like, objective details page, column on browse OKRs page, Summary tab, etc. Let us see how to add KRs with an example.

Add Metrics

  • Click on Add a new key result option

  • On Add Key Result pop-up

    • Select Metric

    • Add title of the Metric KR - Increase sign up rate from 25% to 45% through the iOS app

    • Select owner of the KR - Alvera Mann

    • Define the weightage - 5 (If you are new to UpRaise & OKRs, to keep it simple select weightage of 5)

    • Select start & end date

    • Description - Add any relevant description of the KR

Add To do

  • Click on Add a new key result option

  • On Add Key Result pop-up

    • Select To do

    • Add Title of the To do KR - Ecommerce website created to expand reach of product

    • Select Owner of the KR - Alvera Mann

    • Define the Weightage - 5 (If you are new to UpRaise & OKRs, to keep it simple select weightage of 5)

    • Select Start & End date

    • Add any relevant Description of the KR

Add Jira issue

  • Click on Add a new key result option

  • On Add Key Result pop-up

    • Select Jira issue

    • Search for relevant Jira issue that you want to add as KR. You can do a basic or advanced search.



    • Click on Next

    • Select relevant Jira issue & click on Next.


    • Define Weightage & Save.


When Jira issue is linked as KR, Jira issue assignee is added to objective visibility list and the objective is made visible to assignee.

Jira issue (Via JQL)

  • Click on Add a new key result option

  • On Add Key Result pop-up

    • Select Jira issue (Via JQL)

    • Add JQL Title

    • Select Weightage

    • Add JQL & Save

If you click on the KR title, system navigates you the Jira search issue page with search results according to the JQL you have added while creating Jira issue KR via JQL.  

When Jira issues are liked KR Via JQL, the respective objective will not be visible to all Jira issue assignees. The reason being that one might add 1000s of issues via JQL and the list will be dynamic, in such case, it isn't a good idea to update the shared with list every time.


Following image shows how it looks like when you add all types of KRs. The order of KRs in image is same explained above.

Edit/Delete Key results

KRs can be edited/deleted from objective details page, user & team profiles. Below image shows Edit/Delete options on a user profile.


When editing KR, on button from any of the above mentioned screens. Click on Edit, make necessary changes and Update.

Adjust weightage

Weightage value determines the magnitude of impact, progress of a KR is going to have on its parent objective. This weightage can be adjusted by clicking on the weightage value displayed on different screens like objective detail page, weight column (If added to an OKR view), or by editing KR.

Above image is from one of the OKR view where weight column is added to the selected view.


When deleting KR, on button from any of the above mentioned screens. Click on Delete & Confirm.

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