Templates basics

Templates basics


Self and Manager review

This template is used when a team member needs to be reviewed by their manager and HR is needed to be the part review process. This template is useful when team member needs to do self assessment that is reviewed & responded by their manager. If needed, questions for reviewer’s remarks & HR remarks can be added. These remarks are not revealed to the team member.

This template can also be used for one on one reviews with the third workflow of that is specially created for on on one performance reviews. Read Workflows in self and manager review

It is not necessary to add questions in review remarks & HR remarks sections.

360 degree review

When you want a team member to be reviewed by one or more peers, managers, direct reports at the same time in one review form, 360 degree review template can be used.

Confidential review

This template is used when the reviewee (user who is being reviewed) is not supposed to be informed about the review. Typical use cases we have seen are of probation documents or periodical confidential reviews of team members.


When you want to conduct voting pole, gather opinions from groups, Survey template is the option. You can create customized questionnaires and distribute across the company to gather responses.

Create template

Navigate to Forms >> Templates >> Create new template >> Select relevant template type >> Next >> Select relevant Workflow >> Click on Next.

Read Workflows for more details.

Once you are on form builder page, add relevant sections/questions and save the template. Read more about Form builder & question types in form builder .


Once the template is created, if you click on Save & Next, you are taken to distribution page. On distribution page add all the details and click on distribute. You can also distribute already created template. Read more about Distributing templates.



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