Comparison report

Comparison report

Comparison reports help you to get two aggregated reports side by side to compare. These responses are from the completed forms out of distributions against the selected templates.

Generate the report

  • Navigate to Reports >> Click on Comparison report

  • Select relevant Templates & Distributions at both the sides.

  • If needed apply additional filters like Search by Team member, Reviewer, Users.

This report allows you to compare two reports with different perspectives.

For example -

  • Comparison can be of responses from two different distributions created in two different time periods. Where you may want find how people have responded to the same set of questions over the period of time.

  • Comparison can be of responses of two user’s responses for same or different templates & distributions.

  • Comparison can be of responses of one respondent against a group of respondents.

  • Comparison can be of different stakeholders, eg. reviewer/s vs team member/s

Along with the charts/graphs, you can notice different comments below each question. If users have added questions in the given comment boxes, these comments will appear in the report.