Request leaves

Request leaves

Following are the navigations to request leaves -

  • Navigate to Leaves >> Request leaves


  • You can also click on icon in the left navigation & then click Request leaves.

On Request leaves pop up, enter the valid data in each field. Go through the list below for more details of each field.

  • Request for: System auto selects logged in user’s name. This field is not editable to users.

  • Leave type: Select a leave type from the drop-down list.

  • From & to Select appropriates dates of your leave duration.

    • Once you select dates, the system shows current balance & projected balance of the selected leave type. 

    • If you are applying for leaves that goes beyond current balance, you can apply those leaves only if admin has made such settings for that leave type, else system shows a relevant error message.

  • All full days checkbox: Check if all leaves are full day leaves. 

    • If this option is unchecked, the system will ask you to mention half day leaves and full day leave in the leave duration.

    • You also need to select whether you are taking half day leave in first half or second half.

  • Approver: Approver’s name is auto selected by the system, it selects your manager's name as approver by default when you have someone assigned as manager in the company directory.

    • If no manager is assigned to the user(applicant) then one of the admins/super admins will be selected by default as an approver.

  • Reason: Mention the reason for taking leave/s. You can make use of different text formatting options and at (@) mentions to tag other users. 

Add attachments: This is to add any relevant document while applying for leaves. Sometimes, one needs to share medical certificates or some proofs while applying for leaves. 

Visibility: Leave request can be made visible to the selected team/s or user/s. This option will help users when they want their team/s or specific user/s to be informed about the leave plan.

Visibility options are displayed based setting mention here - Default settings related to leave policies | Leaves visibility

Once done with adding appropriate information, click on submit. The approver receives an email notification about your leave application. The approver can Reject, Cancel or Approve the leave application & applicant receives relevant email notification accordingly.

Create a past dated leave request

Sometimes it is needed to add past dated leave. Then just click on Request leaves option & then select appropriate dates when you were on leave & other details same as explained above. Once done, click on Submit. The system asks for confirmation as you are creating a request for past date.

Once confirmed, approver is informed via email but no approval will be required since it is a past dated leave request. Added leaves are automatically marked as Availed (or Availed - Past dated if this status is configured). Non-admin users can add past dated leaves only for themselves, whereas admin/super admin can create such leaves for any UpRaise user.


Leave request option is available for all admins and non-admin users in leaves section. However, there are a few default permissions set in the system. 

  • Any non-admin user can add leave only for themselves.

  • Admin/super admin can add leave for anyone.

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