What all filters are available to search users & teams in company directory?

What all filters are available to search users & teams in company directory?

Filter on users tab

To search particular user or set of users you can use filter option available through company directory >> user tab.You can search for user/s with all user attributes listed below. 

  • User - User name as per Jira user records

  • Role - UpRaise user roles i.e. User, admin, super admin and no access when limited roll out is turned off. 

  • Designation - Different designations defined in company directory

  • Manager - Reporting manager of user

  • Teams -  The team user belongs to

  • Status -  Account status of user according to Jira user records i.e. active, inactive, deleted.

You can use all these search option together or individually to get desired search results. You can use these filter options in both list and thumbnail view.

Filter on teams tab

To search teams you can use filter option available through company directory >> teams tab. You can search for team/s with all team attributes listed below. 

  • Name - Team name as defined in UpRaise company directory

  • Team lead - Assigned team leads of different teams in UpRaise company directory

  • Parent team - Assigned parent team to different teams in UpRaise company directory

  • Type - Assigned/defined team types of different teams in UpRaise company directory

You can use all these search option together or individually to get desired search results. Filter options are available only for list view of team directory.