Get distribution user responses

Get distribution user responses

Use below endpoint to for this API. 

  • Syntax - <Jira base URL>/rest/amoeboids-upraise/1.0/form/getDistributionUserResponses
  • Example -  jira.amoeboids.com/rest/amoeboids-upraise/1.0/getDistributionUserResponses

This API returns data about all forms templates in UpRaise. 

Distribution user id is needed in the request endpoint URL. To get distribution user-id, Open the relevant distribution, click on view responses of the relevant user's form. In the link tab you get dUserId. 


ParentParameterTypeDescriptionPossible values

distributionIdNumberDistribution id to which the distribution user id is associated with1, 2, 3, 4, etc

distributionNameStringDistribution name to which the distribution user id is associated with
  • Q1 performance review
  • Annual employee satisfaction survey

distributionDescriptionStringDistribution description to which the distribution user id is associated withAny description

getDistributionDetailsUrlStringUrl endpoint to retrieve distribution detailsjira.amoeboids.com/rest/amoeboids-upraise/1.0/form/getDistributions?id=501

getTemplateQuestionsUrlStringUrl endpoint to retrieve template questionsjira.amoeboids.com/rest/amoeboids-upraise/1.0/form/getTemplateQuestions/317

distributionUserDetailsObjectThis object consists of all details related to individual form of the user in the current distribution
distributionUserDetailsidNumberDistribution user id. This is an id associated with individual form of the user in the distribution12, 13, 14, 15, etc
distributionUserDetailsisOpenStringStatus of the form that indicates whether the form is accepting inputs
  • True
  • False
distributionUserDetailsteamMemberObjectThis object consists of all details related to the team member of the current form
distributionUserDetailsreviewerObjectThis object consists of all details related to the reviewer of the current form
distributionUserDetailsstatusObjectThis object consists of all details related to status of the form
  • id
  • name
statusidNumberStatus id
statusnameStringStatus nameStatuses based on actions taken by respondents, for example, reviewer shared, team member shared, etc
distributionUserDetailsscoresObjectThis object consists of all details total scores on team member's self-assessment & score given by reviewer
  • name
  • value
scoresnameStringThis parameter defines the form respondent's type and name
  • Reviewer - User name
  • Team Member - User name
  • HR users - User name
scoresvalueNumberActual scores given by respondent of the form
  • 1.00 / 1.67
  • 0.75 / 1.67
distributionUserDetailshrUserObjectThis object consists of all details related to the HR user of the current form
distributionUserDetailsassignedToObjectThis object consists of all details related to the user who is current assignee of the form

tabsObjectThis object consists of all details related to tabs on the form
tabstabNameObjectTab name
  • Self & manager review
    • Team member 
    • Reviewer
    • Team member
  • Survey/confidential review/360 review
    • Reviewer
tabsfieldsStringThis object consists of all details of the fields related to the questions in the current tab
fieldsidNumberField id1, 12, 1254, 56, etc
fieldsquestionNameStringQuestion nameAny type of question possible in UpRaise templates
fieldsresponseStringResponse in the questionAny response marked by the form respondent on the current question. This varies based on the type of question
fieldsscoreNumberScores given on the questionScores associated with the selected answer by the respondent (this is applicable only for scorable questions)

Read Get template questions for more details on question responses related to each question type. 

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