Get distribution users

Get distribution users

Use below endpoint to get users in the distribution of UpRaise form templates. 

  • Syntax - <Jira base URL>/rest/amoeboids-upraise/1.0/form/getDistributionUsers/{distribution id}
  • Example -  jira.amoeboids.com/rest/amoeboids-upraise/1.0/form/getDistributionUsers/500

This API returns data about all users in the form distributions UpRaise. 

Response are returned based on user’s role in the system

  • Normal users, users with no access would get an error to the effect of ‘You do not have access to this data’

  • Admins would only be able to get only those responses whose distributions they can access

  • Super admins would get all distribution users on that instance


Distribution id is needed in the request in the endpoint URL.


ParentParameterTypeDescriptionPossible values

distributionIdNumberDistribution id1, 2, 3, 4, etc

distributionNameStringDistribution name
  • Q1 performance review of L1 managers
  • Employee satisfaction survey for 2019

distributionDescriptionStringDistribution descriptionAny description relevant to distribution

getDistributionDetailsUrlStringUrl endpoint to retrieve distribution detailshttp://jira.amoeboids.com/rest/amoeboids-upraise/1.0/form/getDistributions?id=500

startAtNumberUse this parameter to define starting index for the search resultsUse this parameter to define starting index for the search results

maxResultsNumberUse this parameter to define max results on each pageUse this parameter to define max results on each page

totalNumberTotal number of given feedback for logged in userTotal number of given feedback for logged in user

resultsObjectThis objective consist of all data points of returned resultsThis objective consist of all data points of returned results
resultsidNumberIndividual form id in current distribution1, 20, 35, 50, etc
resultsisOpenStringStatus of the individual form in current distribution
  • True
  • False
resultsteamMemberObjectThis objective consists of all data points of user details who is the team member in the individual form of the current distribution modified the template at last
resultsreviewerObjectThis objective consists of all data points of user details who is the reviewer in the individual form of the current distribution modified the template at last
resultsstatusObjectStatus of the individual form of current distribution
  • id
  • name
statusidNumberstatus id
statusnameStringstatus name

Statuses are returned based on template types and workflows, a few examples are as below - 

  • Not started
  • Team member started
  • Team member shared
  • Reviewer started
resultshrUserObjectThis objective consists of all data points of user details who is the HR user in the individual form of the current distribution modified the template at last
resultsassignedToObjectThis objective consists of all data points of user details who is the current assignee of the individual form of the current distribution modified the template at last
resultsgetDistributionUserResponseUrlStringUrl endpoint to retrieve user responses http://jira.amoeboids.com/rest/amoeboids-upraise/1.0/form/getDistributionUserResponses/3800