Manage distributions


Once the template is created, it can sent to multiple users. One template can have as many distributions as needed. Distributions can be managed by admins by default. Users can also be given relevant permissions to manage.

Create distribution

Distribution can be created in three ways.

  • Click on Save and next as soon as the template is created

  • Distribute option on template listing

  • Create distribution from Distributions tab

In any way, the process is same. Only thing is when distribution is created from the Distributions tab, one needs to select the templates. In first two ways mentioned above, template is prepopulated.

For this documentation, let us select the last option to create a distribution. Navigate to Forms >> Distributions >> Create distribution

This opens up a Distribute page with multiple sections. In first section called template, select the relevant template from dropdown. It pop-up the description, name, and workflow of the template.



On next section, Distribution, add the name of the distribution and description if needed. The distribution name should be easy to identify as same template can be distributed multiple times.


In this section, Process end date is to define when system should stop accepting inputs. Review period dates are optional and can be specified if needed.


Select a few dates to send email reminders to users who have not completed their forms.


Last section but an important one. Adding users to the distribution. There are different ways to add users to the distribution. Add them in bulk or add them one by one, system will bring the reviewer column user automatically. Under reviewer column, user’s manager is displayed based on Company directory setup. If needed, one can import users via excel, read . Import function typically helps when you have your own et of team members, reviewer, (peers, direct reports in case of 360 forms) than what is automatically brought upon user selection.

Use switch arrows icon to exchange pairs. Click on Trash icon to delete a user ro

Distribute, Save as draft or Schedule distribution

Once all these sections are updated, click on Save, which saves the distribution as a draft. If clicked on distribute, it will send the form and relevant users get email notifications. If it needs to be scheduled for a future date, use the schedule option.

Once distributed, this is how the distribution looks like -

Read for more details.

Delete distribution

Deleting a distribution wipes out all the data associated with that distribution. Thus, use good judgment when you want to go for deleting a distribution.

UpRaise admin or super admin can delete distribution from the distributions tab under the forms page. Clicking on the actions button in front of each distribution opens up the delete option. 

Clicking on delete asks for a confirmation, which once confirmed will remove the distribution & associated responses.

Other aspects on distributions tab

1 - Disribution name

2 - Selected template’s name for the respective distributions

3 - Date of distribution

4 - Name of the use who distributed template

5 - Current status of distribution

6 - Number of users in distribution

7 - Due date of the distribution set while creating distribution

8 - Open the distribution to check underlying details

9 - This action is available for drafted and scheduled distribution to distribute them right away

10 - Other actions as explained in below section

11 - Create distribution as explained in first section

Other actions on the Distribution tab

As shown in the below image, clicking on actions (…) shows the dropdown with some actions for distribution.

  • Export to Excel - Export the distribution details like all the forms, users, questions and responses, everything in Excel sheet to make use of the raw data internally for different purposes.

  • Extend due date - This option is available only for distributions in Distributed status. This is useful when you think that the initial/existing due date needs to be extended.

  • Stop accepting inputs - This is used when distribution needs to be closed before the set due date. Once accepting input option is used, the form distribution is moved to Closed status.

    • When distribution is in Closed status, this option turns to Start accepting inputs where the duration to accepting inputes can be defined.

  • Clone - Clone distribution using this option

  • Delete - When its needed to delete the distribution, use this option. Once deleted, there is no option to reverse this action.

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