Continuous feedback Summary page

Continuous feedback Summary page

Click on the Feedback menu from left navigation, which takes you to the Summary tab.

Summary and Feedback tab work together simultaneously. Suppose you click on any of the thumbnails shown on the Summaey tab that is Recived, Given, Shared, etc. It takes you to that type of feedback on the feedback page.



CF summary.png

The top dropdown select for what range of duration feedback summary should be displayed. The given options are Current quarter, Last quarter, This month, Last 30 days, and All time. Based on the selected range, the entire summary is generated with below sections -

My stats

These are the number of feedback of feedback Received, given, etc. Clicking on each type of feedback will take you to an indiviadual types summary. For eg. If you click on Received, it takes you to Feedback tab with all received feedback.

cf fbt.png

As shown in above image, you can see all received feedback and the distribution of tags received for that different feedback. You can also apply some filters.

Recent activity

This shows all the feedback you have recently given, received, liked, and commented on, basically the recent activies related to feedback for the logged-in user.


This section gives you suggestions based on your recent given or received feedback. This promotes a healthy continouse feedback within the organization.


This section is to look at the segmentation of the tags associated with the feedback that is given or received by logged in user. You can also see only Given/Received tags data as by default it loads both given and received feedback for the selected time duration in the top filter.


Based on the selected time range like, trends data is displayed. In the very first full screenshot, we have selected All time which is why it shows the yearly trend. If you choose the Current quarter or Last quarter it shows monthly trends for the selected quarter. Similarly, if This month or Last 30 days is selected, the month’s data is displayed in 3 slots of 10 days.


This section is to see what all labels are used in Given and Received feedback. Clicking on each label shows its distribution based on the Tags. For eg. In the below video notice that there are 9 feedback on attention to detail. Left clik on the lable shows its bifurcation basd on tags. Right-clicking on it will take you back to the previous stage.


As mentioned above, user is navigated to this tab when they click on the Received, Given, etc boxes at the top of the Summary page and they can check feedback of that specific type. One can see the bifurcation of tags and a list of feedback in that selected type. They can also use filters.

For eg. In this image they see only received feedback and they can navigate to any other type from here itself.