Out of office assistant

Out of office assistant


When someone is on leave, it needs be ensured that their work is managed by someone. In case of Jira issues, you need to make your that the Jira issues are assigned to someone in the team if the original assignee is on leave. To quickly manage this we have introduced Out of office assistant feature.

If you enable this setting -

  • The ‘Out of office assistant’ check box will be visible on the request leave pop-up for users.

  • With this option, users can configure out of office assistant for their leaves and their currently assigned Jira issues in the leave duration are assigned to the selected user from the leave request pop-up.

  • Users can view out of office assistant details on their applied leaves.

If you disable this setting -

  • The new Out of office assistant check box will NOT be visible on the request leave pop-up.

  • Users can not configure out of office assistant for their leaves and it will not have any impact on their Jira issue assignments.

  • Users can not view out of office assistant details on their applied leaves.

  • All enabled out of office assistant rules shall be stopped from execution

Important points to note

  • The out of office assistant function will be executed only on the days of ‘active’ leaves of the creator among the selected leave types.

  • This function will get executed only when there is any Jira issue assigned to the leave owner on the active leave day.

  • Whenever any Jira issue is assigned to the leave owner, it is automatically reassigned to the backup user by the system. For eg. User A is on applying for leave, they select user B as their back up user however, user B is also on leave. In this case User A’s Jira issue will still get assigned to User B by system automatically.

  • In the Jira issue history of the affected issues, users will see a system entry like - UpRaise app changed the assignee.

  • UpRaise will keep track of Jira issues assigned through this out of office assistant function and show relevant counts as link within leave details tab that users can easily navigate to.

  • In case of Half-day leave -

    • User can add backup assignee even against half day leave.

    • However, the system will trigger the leave for entire day irrespective of whether it is full day or half day leave.

  • What if a re-assigned Jira issue gets assigned back to the leave owner from Jira?

    • One issue can be updated only once against a particular leave from UpRaise app.

    • So if UpRaise has already updated a Jira issue once against a particular leave, then same issue if assigned back to the leave owner by Jira issue will not be reassigned to the backup assignee automatically, this change made from Jira remains as it is.

  • The Out of office assistant function will not be executed in following cases -

    • The leave gets canceled/rejected.

    • Leave owner account gets disabled in UpRaise

    • Backup user account gets disabled in UpRaise

    • The leave owner is no longer associated with the selected leave policy of the rule.

    • The out of office assistant setting gets disabled on the given UpRaise instance by the admin.

    • Leaves feature gets disabled on the given UpRaise instance by the admin.

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