Release notes calendar


While it is important to manage release notes and seamlessly make them available for different stakeholders on multiple platforms, its equally important to keep a tab of ongoing and upcoming releases. In this case, release calendar can be helpful.


ARNR’s release calendar can be used in different ways. You can create -

In project screen

In-project release calendars - Navigate to project >> Automated Release Notes and Reports app from project’s left navigation.



Cross project screen

Navigate to cross project screen of ARNR app by clicking on Automated Release Notes and Reports app from Jira’s top menu.


If you are not able to see either the cross-project or in-project menu, please check the thoroughly.

Project selector on cross-project screen’s calendar

In case of cross-project screen calendar, you can select multiple projects. In case of free app, you can add only two project in a release calendar. For Paid app, there is no such limit.

Jira dashboard gadget

You can also add the ARNR’s release calendar on Jira dashboard/s by using the calendar Gadget. You can the gadget based on whether you are adding free app or paid app.

In case of free app gadget, you can add only two project in a release calendar. For Paid app gadget, there is no such limit.

You can edit the gadget name that is relevant for your gadget.

Icons and symbols on calendar releases

Releases with no start/end dates are not visible on either cross-project, in-project calendar, or gadget calendar.

  1. Release with start and dates are shown with that date span highlighted in different colors

  2. Versions which do not have a start date will be indicated by arrows pointing left <

  3. Versions which do not have an end date will be indicated by arrows pointing right >

  4. One can easily switch between different views for the calendar - Monthly & Weekly. Every version that appears in the calendar will be displayed below

  5. Project legends (short forms of the projects) for easy identification

  6. Version name are displayed at the top of each release highlight

  7. Version statuses are also displayed in abbreviations. That are, Unreleased (U), Released (R), Archived (A)

  8. The week can start on Sunday or Monday

  9. Switch weeks/months

Version details

Clicking on any version in the calendar will display further relevant information in a pop-up. This information can take you down the Jira’s release hub pages based on the status category.