Release pages & widgets

Release pages & widgets

This feature is available only for the cloud version of ARNR.

Release pages

Release page is the easiest way to publish release notes or changelog on a public page. Once the release page setup is saved and rules are configured, the release page is updated whenever configured rules are triggered.

Create release page

Refer to the Step-by-step guide to Release pages & Widgets

Edit release page

Clicking on the name of the existing release page brings you to the edit screen. It is exactly the same as creating, only that the existing data is pre-populated & can be modified.

Note thatissue details in the Release page content layout section cannot be modified if one or more releases are associated with that release page. In such cases you will notice below message on the release page configurations under the Content section




The only way to modify these fields is to delete existing releases from the release page & then come back to edit release page to update issue details.

Delete release page

Clicking on the Trash icon on the release pages listing section will trigger the Delete action. Note that, the release page can be deleted only after it has been removed from any rule actions.

Deleting a release page is irreversible.

Release page subscription

Release page subscription lets users subscribe to your release page updates. They stay informed through automated email notifications when new release is posted on the release page.

To enable subscribe button on your release page, go to release page configurations page & enable Allow new subscribers toggle.

When user clicks on Subscribe button on release page, they will be prompted to enter their email address. User will get an email to confirm their subscription. Upon confirmation of subscription by the user, they will be added as active subscriber for your release page.