Step-by-step guide to Release pages & Widgets
Release pages are unique webpages designed specifically for release notes. They allow you to present your release information in an independent format. Access to these pages can be set as public, private, or restricted, providing you with the flexibility to choose who can view the release notes..
To help you get started, we are providing step-by-step guide that explain how to use these tools effectively, as they operate in slightly different ways. Once you grasp the fundamentals, you'll be able to make your own customizations based on the information provided below.
Release pages feature is available only on the In-project screen. Navigate to the relevant Jira project >> Click on Automated Release Notes & Reports app under the project’s left navigation >> Click on Release Pages & Widgets tab >> Click on Create.
Create release page
Once you Click on Create & you’ll be brought to the Create release page screen. On this screen, in the left side, you will notice different editing options, whereas on the right side, you can see an immediate preview of the changes you have applied. The preview will be displayed based on the template you have selected from Release page template at the top dropdown.
Step 1 Select template
There are 3 types of templates available in the Release pages. Read more about the templates here -