Server - 3.7

Version: 3.7


Epics (0)

No epics were part of this release.

Stories (3)

  • Page break in PDF Template
  • Support for second level 'group by' field
  • Show supported ARN variables, along with JQL suggestions

Tasks (0)

No improvements were part of this release.

Bugs (12)

  • In send email popup of rule action not fetching issues for PDF template on all QA servers
  • Group by Epic Link is not working
  • In manage apps page ARN setting page showing blank for server
  • Empty line gets added when custom fields have no value
  • Update labels & button icons for granular settings UI
  • On Postgres and Sqlexpress QA server pdf gets generated but it is showing blank
  • Rule actions page is blank
  • While adding actions in rules default template not showing first ORACLE QA db
  • Add multiple email Ids in email action
  • Display of Jira Name for User Picker (multiple users) Customfield in templates
  • Markdown template not rendering the data properly for sequential layout
  • Multi version announcement dismiss action implementation.

Raise a ticket on our service desk, if you need any help.