Cloud - Cloud - common platform

Version: Cloud - common platform

17th July 2020


With this release, we have now completed ARN's migration to a single code base. Now, all the variants of this app - Cloud, Server & DC are served via a single codebase.

Now, we will be able to release enhancements at a rapid pace (smile)

Epics (0)

No epics were part of this release.

Stories (7)

  • Security - cross client and role based data security in various APIs
  • ARN cloud migration
  • Cloud - configuration for date format and timezone setting
  • Backend - jira service api for entity properties
  • Backend - Version release event listener
  • Backend - License checker service
  • Backend - Jira APIs service

Tasks (0)

No improvements were part of this release.

Bugs (54)

  • [migration]-After new rule creation , schedule trigger entries are deleted from "qrtz_cron_triggers" table
  • [Migration]-For old data , email is getting received from old email id for Schedule n interval trigger and entry is not getting listed in logs .
  • [Cloud] - Error parsing xhtml: Unexpected close tag </p>; expected </span>. is getting in confluence template
  • [Cloud]- In Confluence action and in some templates creation, On save unknown error is getting
  • In Logs tab , Instead of Empty value in Version column "No version " text should be stamped for schedule at interval trigger
  • [Migration]-Getting null pointer exception for Schedule trigger
  • [Migration]- Attachments are not getting fetched in "Description" column
  • [Migration]- In Logs , rule entry is not getting stamped .
  • [Migration] - In post actions , Username and password are not fetching properly
  • [Migration]-Preview template is getting failed
  • [Migration]-In template , added macros, stats , jql section plugin design are not showing properly .
  • [Migration] - In Widget action , Action name is showing
  • [Migration]-In SMTP ARN setting , service provider field is empty
  • [Cloud]-Null exception is getting in JSON action
  • While manually trigger any action , on selection of version "Released" and "Archived" checkbox are getting uncheck
  • In ARN setting page , cancel icon should be available in select project drop-down
  • ARN Cloud - XSS on Rule Name
  • [Cloud]- In template by default "New Feature "JQL section, Incorrect message is showing
  • [Cloud]-In JQL Section , Click on fixversion column Release date and Description field are not showing
  • [Cloud]- In timestamp and current date time variable , Incorrect time is fetching
  • [Cloud]-Error is getting in Console while clone
  • [Cloud]- If any rule triggered, then rule should be listed in logs with "In progress" status
  • [Cloud]- Rule is not getting triggered if in any action has wrong data entered .
  • [Cloud] - on delete any action , Action name field is getting displayed
  • [Cloud]-Special character error is getting for confluence action
  • [Cloud]- userName and UserEmail are not fetching in rule action preview page
  • [Cloud]-After manually trigger action , previous data is getting displayed .
  • [Cloud] - selected BCC checkbox ,is not getting displayed on view email links
  • [Cloud]- Exception is getting when enter reply to field in email action
  • [Cloud]-Cancel icon is not getting displayed in Email Action Template selector field
  • [Cloud]-Clicking on view link ,Russian /Chinese language data are not showing proper
  • [Cloud]- Email From field value is not reflected in Email
  • [Cloud]- In JSD Announcement action , JSD announcement template is not getting updated
  • [Cloud] - After save JSD configuration details, JSD section is getting removed .
  • [Cloud]- Set "complete date format" is not fetching in Timestamp
  • [Cloud] - Each default templates created 4 times after build upload
  • [Cloud]-After trigger confluence action, Confluence setting section removed from Integration tab
  • [Cloud]- Getting error while manually triggering any action
  • [Cloud] - Error is getting on open of pdf file
  • [Cloud]- For Yahoo and Outlook error is getting on SMTP configuration page
  • [Cloud]- In Post action, Template type value is not changing in new action form
  • Logo is not getting displayed in defaults templates
  • [Cloud]- Response error is getting over logs listing page for email Action
  • [Cloud] - Webhook URL is not working ,shows status code 404
  • [Cloud] - For disable rule , run and test link is getting displayed
  • [Cloud] - Action Name is not getting clear in new action form
  • [Cloud]- Triggered rule is not getting listed in logs listing page
  • [Cloud] - On Confluence , post and JSD action error is getting on click of save
  • UI Issues
  • ARN Cloud - XSS on templates
  • If disable template creation permission still user is able to clone or edit the existing templates
  • In logs tab , time is not matching with user timezone
  • More that 255 character is enter in template/ rule name field then exception is getting
  • While clone for blank space no validation is getting

Raise a ticket on our service desk, if you need any help.