Save release notes without Jira fields using issue properties

Save release notes without Jira fields using issue properties


Initial approach for the AI-generated release notes was taken for the existing Jira issue fields and custom fields where users can store AI-generated release notes in selected Jira issue fields and custom fields. Later on, one more advanced approach was introduced to allow users to save release notes in Jira issue properties which does not need the creation of additional custom Jira issue fields. Let us check this approach in detail.

Issue properties

  • We introduced a new family of issue properties with the property key - ARNreleaseNotes

  • Whenever a Jira ticket has release notes, the system stores relevant release notes against the corresponding issue property for that Jira ticket.

  • The information against the issue properties will be stored within Jira using these Jira APIs.

  • There is no character limit on issue properties. However, there is a limit on the size of the JSON file

Below are the issue properties that are introduced under the property key - ARNreleaseNotes


Information stored



Summary for the release notes

"rnSummary" : "Summary for the release notes"


Description to be used for the release notes

“rnDescription" : "Description to be used for the release notes"