Updates for DC V 6.0
Project | Automated Release Notes |
Version name | 6.0 |
Version description |
Release date | Jul 20, 2023 |
Please note that we have only included important items in the release notes below.
Key | Summary | Description |
Pipe character issue fixed 🔨 | Using a pipe character ( | ) within a template body would sometimes cause the output of that template to break. This was especially true when using the pipe character within a JSON template. The issue was caused by a recent update that added support for operators within date variables. The issue has been fixed. |
Key | Summary | Description |
Jira version 9.10 compatibility ✔️ | ARN is now compatible with Jira version 9.10 and below. |
Reference materials
Detailed release notes - DC app - Running release notes
Support portal - Jira Service Management