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Add this link ↓ to search field at the left corner.
Enter inputs and click on 'send' to request data.
Once you click on send, System returns you the data shown as below.
Request parameters
Parent | Parameters | Type | Description | Possible values |
objectiveCycleIds | Number | Objective cycle id | 1, 2, 3, 4, etc | |
owner | String | Objective owner's user name | Objective owner's user name | |
statuses | Number | Objective status id in UpRaise | Below are the possible objective status ids associated with UpRaise objective statuses - 0- READY | |
dueFromDate | String | Any date to specify objective due date range. | 31/October/2019 (DD/MM/YYYY) | |
dueToDate | String | Any date to specify objective due date range | 31/October/2019 (DD/MM/YYYY) | |
labels | String | Any objective label/s names from UpRaise | Labels names can be different in every UpRaise instance, below mentioned are a few examples -
| |
objectiveLevels | String | Objective levels in Upraise |
| |
teamLevels | String | Team types in UpRaise | 1, 2, 3, 4, etc | |
teamIds | String | Team id | 1, 2, 3, 4, etc | |
sortBy | String | This is to sort objective with different request parameters |
| |
sortOrder | String | This is to request what should be the order of objectives in response. You can add below request parameters-
| ||
startAt | Number | To get paginated result | 0, 20, 40, etc | |
maxResults | Number | Maximum number of results to be displayed on one page. Default max results are 20. | 5,10,20, etc |
Response parameters
Parent | Parametere | Type | Description | Possible values |
objectiveCycleIds | Number | This returns all objectives from the objective cycle associated with objective cycle id added in the request | This API returns data of all objectives within given objective cycle. The response is similar to what we get in get objectives API. Please refer this document to see an example of one objective in Get objective details. | |
owner | String | This returns all objectives owned by the given user | This API returns data of all objectives owned by given user. In the response, you'd get all data points related to objectives owned by the given user, which is similar to what we get in get objectives API. Please refer this document to see an example of one objective in Get objective details. | |
statuses | Number | This returns all objectives from the given status. | This API returns data of all objectives in given objective status. In the response, you'll get all data points related to objectives with the given objective status, which is similar to what we get in get objectives API. Please refer this document to see an example of one objective in Get objective details. | |
dueFromDate | String | This returns all objectives those are due from given date | This API returns all objectives that are due from given date. In the response, you'll get all data points related to objectives that are due from given date, which is similar to what we get in get objectives API. Please refer this document to see an example of one objective in Get objective details. | |
labels | String | This returns all objectives that are associated with requested label/s | This API returns all objectives that are associated with requested label/s. In the response, you'll get all data points related to objectives that are associated with requested label/s, which is similar to what we get in get objectives API. Please refer this document to see an example of one objective in Get objective details. | |
objectiveLevels | This returns all objectives that are associated with requested objective level/s | This API returns all objectives that are associated with requested objective level/s. In the response, you'll get all data points related to objectives that are associated with requested objective level/s, which is similar to what we get in get objectives API. Please refer this document to see an example of one objective in Get objective details. | ||
teamLevels | This returns all objectives that are associated with requested team level/s or type/s | This API returns all objectives that are associated with requested team level/s or type/s. In the response, you'll get all data points related to objectives that are associated with team level/s or type/s, which is similar to what we get in get objectives API. Please refer this document to see an example of one objective in Get objective details. | ||
teamIds | This returns all team objectives that are associated with requested team id/s | This API returns all team objectives that are associated with requested team id/s. In the response, you'll get all data points related to team objectives that are associat |