Minimalistic with description confluence

Minimalistic with description confluence


Updates: 9th April 2022


Stories (3)

  • Support for sprint variables 🎁


    Many teams don’t use versions in Jira, instead, they use sprints in Jira. Some also use sprints along with versions in Jira to manage their projects. In ARN we mainly support versions and version variables to generate release notes. Hence, we need to provide support for sprint variables like version variables in ARN.

    User Story

    As a user I want to insert sprint variables in my ARN templates so that I can publish release notes for the sprints created in my Jira project(s).


    Addition of Sprint Variables in Variables

    • In all types of templates, we can add various types of variables. We will include following sprint variables in that list :
    Sprint Variable Details
    name: The sprint name (String).
    goal: The sprint goal (String).
    startDate: When the sprint started (Date).
    endDate: When the sprint is planned to end (Date).
    completeDate: The actual date of ending the sprint (Date).
    state: The state of the sprint (String: 'future', 'active', 'closed')
    • As the no. of variables in the select menu have increased, we will convert this select menu into ‘Grouped Select Menu’

    ( Refer: https://atlassian.design/components/select/examples#grouped-options ) like this

    • Variables shall be grouped like this:
    version Name
    release Date
    Date & Time
    confluence URL
    • System shall replace the sprint variables with the actual value for a sprint which user shall select on the sprint selector screen. (similar to the way value of version variables is replaced in template preview currently)

    Sprint variables in the JQL

    Just like version variables, users can use multiple sprint variables in the JQL.

    project = "11915" and Sprint = ""
    project = "11915" and Sprint in ("","")
    • Sprint variables used in the JQL like this shall be accepted in the JQL validation.
    • Users can also use sprintName variable instead of the sprintId variable and system shall recognize the sprint just like versionName variable is honored instead of versionId variable in the JQL.
    project ="11915" and sprint in ("","") 

    Version Selector screen - in-project

    • Currently when version variables are used in the template or the JQL , then on version selector screen, system asks the user to select corresponding versions for each of the version variables used in the template.
    • Same way when users have included sprint variables in the template or the JQL, then on version selector screen, system shall also ask the user to select corresponding sprint along with the version.


    • No of sprint selectors shown on version selector screen shall depend upon no of unique sprint variables used in the template.
    • Similar to versions, selecting sprint on version selector screen shall be optional.
    • System shall show all the sprints available in the project in sprint selector irrespective of their state.( 'future', 'active', 'closed' )
    • If the template has no version variables but only sprint variables, then on version selector screen only sprint select menus shall be shown.
    • Change in message shown on version selector screen
      • In case of multiple versions, we show the message on version selector screen. This message shall be changed to a generalized version like this.
        • When multiple version and sprint variables are used

    Multiple variables used

    This template uses multiple variables, please select values for each one.

    • When no version or sprint variable is used.

    No variables used

    This template does not use any variables, thus no inputs needed from you.

    Version Selector screen - cross-project

    • In case of cross project version selector screen, user has to select the project before selecting the version variable.
    • Similar to this, system shall ask user to select the sprint below the corresponding project selector.
    • few examples
      • when there are two version variables and two sprint variables included in the template

      • when there is one version variable and two sprint variables included in the template

      • when there is no version variable and two sprint variables included in the template

    • Change in message shown on version selector screen
      • In case of cross project, we show the message on version selector screen. This message shall be changed to a generalized version like this.

    Template with cross project multiple variables

    Template involves use of multiple variables. Please select a project & corresponding values for each variable.

    Rule Triggers

    • On the rules create/edit page, we will include one more trigger i.e. Sprint completed

    • When this trigger is selected, rule shall gets triggered whenever a sprint is marked as completed in the project.
    • This rule trigger shall be available only in in-project ARN screen presently.

    Acceptance Criteria

    • Users should be able to include sprint variables in the template in all types of the templates.
    • System shall ask users to select sprint on version selector screen when sprint variables are used in the template. (in both in-project and cross-project screens.)
    • User should be able to use ‘sprint completed’ rule trigger and system shall trigger such rule whenever any sprint is marked as completed in the project.
    • All other features of ARN shall work as it is.

  • Support for Confluence's 'Expand' macro 🎁


    Currently ARN cloud app supports following macros for Confluence (in the templates)

    • Info
    • Tip
    • Note
    • Warning
    • Table of contents
    • Children display
    • Panel
    • Page Properties
    • Jira Issues / Filter

    Currently there is no support for ‘Expand’ macro in ARN confluence template. One common request is to allow ‘Expand’ macro within these templates.

    User Story

    As a user I should be able to include ‘Expand’ macro in ARN confluence template so that I can publish it in my confluence release notes.


    1. We’ll be adding support for new macro called ‘Expand' in add macro drop down in add/edit confluence template screen.
      Insert Macro:

    Unable to render embedded object: File (f342f9b3-1a0d-4c42-9531-9dfe8328170e#media-blob-url=true&id=78cc17b7-3581-4741-b455-f5e495f88ec7&collection=contentId-3418914831&contextId=3418914831&mimeType=image%2Fpng&name=image-20211004-131910.png&size=239223&width=1049&height=567&alt=) not found.

    1. When user selects ‘Expand’ macro, it will open a pop up to capture additional details related to macro.

    The pop-up will have two fields

    Title :
    Tinymce text editor (which is used for all other macros) with following changes

      1. Title defines the text that appears next to the expand/collapse icon.
      2. Default title will be shown in the text box as “Click here to expand... “
      3. If required, user can modify the title text as per his need.
      4. Confluence does not allow enhancements in the text such as format, bold, italic, font-color, font-size, background color, Text alignment .
      5. Include options to insert variables and stats
      6. Below the text editor, show this text as tip - “This text will be shown in single line as title of expand macro in the generated page.”

    #Content :
    Tinymce text editor (which is used for all other macros) with following changes

        1. Add support to insert
          1. Link
          2. Files & Images
          3. Table
        2. Disable support for options in text editor as they are not supported in confluence for expand macro currently.
          1. Text alignment options such as right,, center, justify align
            1. All the text will be left aligned by default
          2. Indentation options i.e. decrease indent & increase indent

    Refer this wireframe:

    1. When added, this macro would appear same as other macros within the ARN template

    Unable to render embedded object: File (fbaccf7b-f62d-40d0-bda3-4ada273e568a#media-blob-url=true&id=120f8547-b194-4a3c-aec4-ccd5ab685691&collection=contentId-3418914831&contextId=3418914831&mimeType=image%2Fpng&name=image-20211004-132915.png&size=155058&width=953&height=381&alt=) not found.

    1. When user previews the template, it will show the details of macro like other macros in following format
    Macro Name Parameters
    Expand title : Expand Title
    Expand details


    5. When confluence page is published using this template, ARN will insert macro with the captured details.

    Refer for markup details : https://support.atlassian.com/confluence-cloud/docs/insert-the-expand-macro/

    Expand macro should support confluence new editor

    Acceptance Criteria 

    • User should be able to select and insert expand macro in confluence template.
    • ARN should insert expand macro in the confluence page created/updated through rule execution.
    • Expand macro inserted by ARN on confluence page should get rendered as expected.
    • All other functions of ARN should work as it is.

  • Supporting custom time zone configuration  🎁

    User story

    As a user I shall able to select my own time zone which can be used for showing date/ time variables while publishing release notes so that I can show time as per my preferred time zone


    • This will add a time zone configuration so that user can use it to show time as per his choice of time zone
    • Below are changes required

    Changes in Jira admin facing configuration screen → Date format

    • We’ll add a new configurations in the Configuration → Date format screen viz.
      • Default time zone
    • Revised fields shall be as below
    Field Control Description
    Default time zone [ NEED TO ADD ] Combo box
    • Mandatory
    • System shall give error message as ‘This field is mandatory’ when no value is available
    • Default value shall be (GMT +00:00) UTC
    • Drop-down should show list of standard time zones
    Date format [ AVAILABLE ] Text box
    • Mandatory
    • System shall give error message as ‘This field is mandatory’ when no value is available
    • Default value shall be ‘dd/MMM/yyyy
    • System shall validate the format entered by user and show the relative eg. as help text
      • This help text shall be refreshed according to the format entered by user
    Complete date format [ AVAILABLE ] Text box
    • Mandatory
    • System shall give error message as ‘This field is mandatory’ when no value is available
    • Default value shall be ‘dd/MMM/yy h:mm a
    • System shall validate the format entered by user and show the relative eg. as help text
      • This help text shall be refreshed according to the format entered by user


    • There shall be actions viz
      • Reset
        • This will reset the configuration to default configuration
      • Save
        • This will validate and save the configuration as changed by user
    • Refer

    Affected variables / Fields

    • PDF Variables - [date]
    • Variables - Thu May 19 09:49:25 UTC 2022
    • Variables - 19-May-2022
    • Variables - 19-May-2022 9:49 AM

    Migration & New Installation

    • For migration of existing instances & new installations, values shall be set as below
    Field Migration New Installation
    Default time zone [ NEED TO ADD ]
    • Set default value : (GMT +00:00) UTC
    • Set default value : (GMT +00:00) UTC
    Date format [ AVAILABLE ]
    • Keep existing value
    • Set default value : ‘dd/MMM/yyyy
    Complete date format [ AVAILABLE ]
    • Keep existing value
    • Set default value : ‘dd/MMM/yy h:mm a

    This change is applicable only for ARN Cloud App (Free and Paid). For Server app, date settings are directly referred from default Jira settings.

    Acceptance criteria

    • User shall able to configure Time zone, Date and complete date format
    • Configured format shall be used while displaying date or time in ARN
    • All other features of ARN shall work as expected


Improvements (0)

No improvements were part of this release.


Bugs (11)

  • [Pre-production] - In template preview JQL and Stats as it is displayed  🐞

    Steps to reproduce -

    1. Go to template tab
    2. Edit / create any template
    3. Add JQL sections and stats in template
    4. Save and preview the template

    Expected Result - In template preview JQL and stats should be replaced with respective values.

    Actual result - In template preview JQL and stats sections as it is displayed.

  • [PDF template] - In ARN cross project after preview pdf not generated 🐞

    Pre-Condition -

    1. User should be logged in to jira

    Steps to Reproduce -

    1. Open ARN cross project
    2. Go to template tab
    3. Create pdf template
    4. Save the template
    5. Preview the template

    Expecte Result - The PDF should be generated and we should be able view the pdf.

    Actual Result - process only running on preview button but pdf not generated.

    Note- In rule action preview if we trying to download attached PDF then following error displayed


    {"status":500,"error":"Internal Server Error","message":"","timeStamp":"Thu Apr 07 11:14:55 UTC 2022","trace":null}


  • For unauthorized project in "ARN in-project" screen "ARN cross project templates" are displayed 🐞

    Pre - Condition -

    1. Two users are there in single project
    2. Users should be logged into jira
    3. ARN should be opened

    Steps to Reproduce -

    1. Give project permission to one user.
    2. And remove same project permission for another user.
    3. Then for unauthorized user open ARN in same project.
    4. Go to templates tab.

    Expected Result - In templates tab for unauthorized user in template tab ARN in-project templates should be displayed.

    Actual Result - In ARN in project templates tab cross project templates should be displayed.

  • [Confluence Integration] - Unable to add / update Confluence integration with valid details 🐞

    Pre-Condition - 1) User should be logged in to jira

    2) ARN should be opened

    Steps to Reproduce -

    1. Go to cog wheel & open Apps menu
    2. Open ARN configuration tab
    3. Go to integrations tab
    4. Try to add / Edit Confluence integration

    Expected Result -

    1. If we try to edit existing confluence integration Then Existing values should get updated for respective integration only
    2. If we try to add new confluence integration then new confluence should be saved.

    Actual Result -

    1. Try to edit existing confluence integration - If settings saved successfully then already added integrations are automatically updated
    2. Try to add new confluence integration - If we enter all valid details still “Invalid login credentials“ error is displayed

    NOTE - For JSD also same issue is there.

  • Scheduler blocking DB connections 🐞

    Scheduler we use on cloud version, at times, blocks DB connections, and that slows down the overall performance of app.

  • Rule actions triggered multiple times for version release trigger 🐞

    Rule actions with version release trigger getting executed multiple times in some cases.

    Two customers have reported this recently for Paid cloud app

  • Lanuguage translations missing for rule exection status in logs tab 🐞

    Pre-condition - 1) User should be logged in

    2) release notes cross project.

    Steps to Reproduce-

    1. Change the language
    2. Go to ARN rules tab.
    3. Create a rule
    4. Add Email, Confluence ,Post actions, JSD
    5. Click on RUN button
    6. Trigger the rule by selecting any version
    7. Go to logs tab

    Expected result- Rule should get triggered successfully language translation should applied to the “Rule action execution is in progress“ & “Rule action added to the queue.“ messages.

    Actual result - language translation not get applied to the “Rule action execution is in progress“ & “Rule action added to the queue.“ messages.

    Note -

    1. This is applicable for all servers

  • [logs listing] - Version not displayed after rule tiggered successfully 🐞

    Pre-condition - 1) User should be logged in

    2) Open automated release notes

    Steps to Reproduce-

    1. Go to rules tab
    2. Create a rule
    3. Add Email, Confluence ,Post actions, JSD
    4. Click on RUN button
    5. Trigger the rule by selecting any version
    6. Go to logs tab

    Expected result- Rule should get triggered successfully and entry should be displayed in logs and in logs listing selected version should be displayed.

    Actual result - Rule triggered successfully and entry also added to logs but in logs listing selected version not displayed.

    Note - This is applicable for all servers.

  • Error when stats JQL returns more issue count 🐞

    Steps to reproduce:

    • Go to ARN and create/edit PDF template
    • Include a stats section with a JQL which will return more than 600-700 count.
    • Include multiple stats sections whose cumulative count exceeds above no.
    • Preview template
    • Open generated PDF
      • Actual : File does not open, it gives this error

      • Expected: PDF should open and show expected data
    • Use same template for some other template type (e.g. email)
    • Preview template
      • Actual : Sometimes preview gives this error

    Same error appears in rule action preview

      • Expected: template preview should work and reproduce the data as expected

  • Release page contains multiple html, body & head tags 🐞

    1. View source on a release page, e.g. view-source: https://teamten7.release.page/ten7-com
    2. Check contents of any `card-body` div
    3. See multiple html, head, body tags that are present – there should only be one html, head, body per document, see screenshot.

  • Showing rule execution entry in logs immediately 🐞

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Go to ARN and run any rule
    2. Go to logs screen immediately after the rule is run

    Expected: Entry for the rule just executed should show in logs screen

    Actual : It takes around 1 minute (sometimes more than that) to show the entry. User needs to click on refresh repeatedly. Sometimes, some users assume rule is not triggered, and they go back to rules and trigger rule again. This leads to multiple executions of same rule.

    Corrective Action : Logs section should show the entry immediately after the rule is run. If rule execution is not completed, it will show the status 'in progress' in logs. The status shall get updated as and when the rule execution is completed by the system.


Raise a ticket on our service desk, if you need any help.

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