Generating release notes from multiple versions in a project


Sometimes one actual release can consist of multiple versions in Jira. In this case as well, ARN covers the ground for you. It finally boils down to how you write your JQL.

Normally, ARN supports [versionId] & [versionName] variables. But when you need to generate release notes from multiple versions they are not sufficient. For such templates, you can use version variables as - [versionId1], [versionId2], [versionId3]…. & [versionName1], [versionName2], [versionName3]……so on.


This is how to form your JQLs in ARN templates - 

project=[projectId] and issueType=story and fixVersion in ("[versionId1]","[versionId2]","[versionId3]")
project=[projectId] and issueType=bug and fixVersion > "[versionId1]" and fixVersion < "[versionId2]"

Now depending on the versions you pick and their sequence, release notes will be generated.

Depending on how many version variables your templates are using, accordingly, ARN will ask for as many version inputs from you. Please note that [versionId] is treated as [versionId0].



  • Only way to provide multiple versions to a rule is when executing the rule manually or via the webhook.

    • In case of version release - Only released version will be passed to the templates

    • In case of scheduled N days before release - Only about to release version will be passed to the templates

    • In case of scheduled at interval - No version will be passed to the templates

  • If the number of versions provided to the template are more or less than version variables in the template, generated results may not match your expectations. 

If you want to use ARN without relying on versions, simply use the JQLs without any version variables & then make use of triggers that are independent of Jira versions - such as Manual, Scheduled at interval.


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