Setting up Jira Service Management


With ARN, one can publish an announcement on a Jira service management customer portal. Specific use case being, announcing release of a new version or an impending release etc.

To achieve this, ARN relies on basic authentication provided by the user. Note that, this user should have permission to create announcements on service management portals that will be used in actions.

Set up credentials

As Jira administrator navigate to Jira Apps menu from Jira settings >> click on Configurations of Automated Release Notes section >> Click on Integrations tab

Integrations tab is where JSM credentials are to be provided. Provide email/username & password/api token before clicking on Submit. On click of submit, the credentials will be saved only if they are successfully verified by the API. If there is some kind of error, the data will not be saved. The relevant message will be displayed on the screen.

Please note that the JSM user whose credentials you are adding to complete integration should have permission to post messages on the JSM portal. If that is not the case, the ARN rule actions will fail.




  • These credentials are stored in database. They are encrypted & can be decrypted only by the application.

Cloud version only 

Recently Atlassian has updated its cloud applications to allow only the API tokens. Basic authentication (using password) does not work anymore. API tokens can be generated from your Atlassian account - follow these steps. Thus for the Cloud version of JSD, use the generated API token in place of password.


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