Navigating to different screens in ARNR
How to
For Cloud as well as DC versions of Jira, navigation to ARNR screen remains same.
There are in total 3 screens that belong to ARNR app.
In-project screen
Cross-project screen
Jira admin-facing screen (Configurations)
In-project screen
As the name suggests, this screen can be accessed from within a Jira project.
Within any given project’s left navigation, you will see the Automated release notes & reports link - assuming the app is already installed (see Installation).
Cross-project screen
As the name suggests, this screen is accessible outside of any Jira project. To access it, click on the Apps menu in the top navigation & find Automated release notes & reports item. For Data center, this item will be directly available in the top menu.
Don’t see the ARNR menu?
Access to in-project & cross-project ARNR screens is controlled by access/permission settings. Read this - Access & Permissions
Jira admin-facing screen
Jira admins have access to an additional screen for configuring ARNR. They have to navigate to Apps → Automated Release Notes & Reports → Configurations.
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