Navigating to different screens in ARNR

Navigating to different screens in ARNR

How to

For Cloud as well as DC versions of Jira, navigation to ARNR screen remains same.

There are in total 3 screens that belong to ARNR app.

  • In-project screen

  • Cross-project screen

  • Jira admin-facing screen (Configurations)

In-project screen

As the name suggests, this screen can be accessed from within a Jira project.

Within any given project’s left navigation, you will see the Automated release notes & reports link - assuming the app is already installed (see Installation).



Cross-project screen

As the name suggests, this screen is accessible outside of any Jira project. To access it, click on the Apps menu in the top navigation & find Automated release notes & reports item. For Data center, this item will be directly available in the top menu.



Don’t see the ARNR menu?

Access to in-project & cross-project ARNR screens is controlled by access/permission settings. Read this - Access & Permissions

Jira admin-facing screen

Jira admins have access to an additional screen for configuring ARNR. They have to navigate to Apps Automated Release Notes & Reports Configurations.