Setting up single sign-on (SSO)

Setting up single sign-on (SSO)


Single sign-on (SSO) allows users of your roadmap portal to log in using your existing provider to streamline the login process. Currently, SSO setup is not directly available from the Roadmap & idea portal app, however, you can set it up with below steps -

Generate a JWT token and share the secret key with us

In order to enable SSO first you need to generate a JWT token for the user logged in to your application in the below format-

{ "iat": 1667400496, "jti": "Random", "first_name": "John", "last_name": "Doe", "email": john@mailinator.com, "exp": 1667400796 }
  • One of the sites you can use for generating the JWT token is https://jwt.io/

  • Use HS256 encryption for JWT creation & share the encryption key with us via our Service desk.

  • Once we have the secret key/ encryption key, we will enable SSO for your board from our side. Then you can load the public board using iframe in your application by using the below URL-

    • https://{board-url}/{baord-path}/view/0/sso?boardId={board-id}&clientKey={client-key}&jwtToken={jwt-token}

Please note that this SSO setup is at the instance level, not at the user level. Above is a sample of information that is expected for each user. You will have to generate the JWT token runtime through code & pass it on to our URL so the Roadmap portal can identify which user is logged in.

Please note that the secret key you provide should be generated using HS256 encryption. You can use this https://generate-random.org/encryption-key-generator to generate keys online. Make sure that you have selected 256-bit & HEX checkbox.

SSO setup from our end

  • Once we have the secret key, we will proceed further and enable SSO login for your board/s.

  • We will update you once the SSO is enabled and then you can log in via SSO to your board by using the following url -

    • https://{board-url}/{board-path}/view/0/sso?boardId={board-id}&clientKey={client-key}&jwtToken={jwt-token}