Key result configurations


Navigate to OKRs >> Manage tab >> Key result configurations section and apply relevant settings. 

Available configuration options under this setting

  • Enable/disable KR types (Metric, Todo, Jira issues, Jira issues via JQL)

  • Enable/disable KR actions (within Metric and Todo type of KRs)

  • KR Progress Calculations of Epics and other types of Jira issues based on custom fields/resolution

  • Do note, linking Jira issues as actions with KRs is only possible with Metric & To do type of KRs.

  • Linking Jira issues as Actions are just for informational purpose, changes in Jira issue resolution will not have any impact on KR's progress or objective progress. 

Enable/disable KR types (Metric, Todo, Jira issues, Jira issues via JQL)

By default, all the checkboxes are set as true. This means all types of KRs can be created. Uncheck the relevant types of KR types and then only selected type of KRs will be available on Add new KR pop-up.

KR configs.png

Enable/disable KR actions (within Metric and Todo type of KRs)

There might be the case when Jira issues work as important factors for key results. When there is a need to associate them as important actions taken or worked on to make progress on Metric or To do type KRs. In such cases, these configurations can be used to decide whether to add Jira issues as actions within KRs (Metric & ToDo). 

By default, all the checkboxes are set as true. This means users can link Jira issues as actions with Metric and Todo KRs. In any case, this linkage is not needed, uncheck Link Jira issues as actions option and then users will not see Add new option on KR detail page to link Jira issues as Actions

KR configs1.png

Prevent Jira issue updates once the corresponding objective is Closed, Abandoned, Carried forward, Archived

If below checkboxes are checked, the system will make sure that the progress of Jira issues (linked as Jira issue KR/Jira issues) are not impacting current KRs added in objectives that are Closed, Abandoned, Carried Forward, and Archived. This will also stop all the updates of Jira issues or JQLs linked as KRs/KR actions.

Please notes this prevents all updates for eg. Title, Assignee, etc. of linked Jira issues/JQL as KRs, Jira issues within KRs or actions.

Progress Calculations of Epics and other types of Jira issues based on custom fields/resolution

Since UpRaise allows to add Jira epics & Jira issues as KRs. When epics are added as KRs, they might contain some child issues and subtasks. Similarly, when Jira issue is added as KR, it might contain some subtasks. 

UpRaise allows to defining different configurations that allow the way progress calculations of these epic KRs and the Jira issue KRs to be done. Let us see how to set these configurations. 

There are two ways to get the progress percentages of the epic KRs or Jira issue KRs -

  • On the basis of Jira issue status category of epic, issues or subtasks contained in Epic.

  • On the basis of custom field (numerical custom fields only) of epic, issues or subtasks contained in epic.

Let us see how to implement these options in different scenarios. Only one of the above options can be opted at a time. 

Progress calculation when epics are key results

UpRaise allows to add Jira epics as key results. However, Jira epics are a special type of issue that act as a container for other Jira issues. In turn, those Jira issues can have their own sub-tasks. In such a scenario, the KR progress calculation can be based on the highlighted 3 options in the image below. 

As shown in the image below, notice that all three checkboxes along with options on what basis progress calculation can be done. 

All 3 checkboxes are true

By default, all of three options are checked. If the first option is true then the remaining two are also true by default and that cannot be changed. Also, if the first check box option is configured with progress to be calculated on custom field, then other two options will also be set with same option. Similarly,  if the first check box option is configured with progress to be calculated on Jira issue status category, then other two options will also be set with same option.

Progress calculation on Jira issue status category of the epic & issues or sub-task within epic

When all three checkboxes are true & progress calculation configuration is set with Jira issue status category, system calculates the epic key result progress on the basis of subtasks within the Jira issues contained in the epic. Every Jira epic may or may not have Jira issues and subtasks within Jira issues. Therefore, system validates each step. It looks for subtasks first, if there are no subtasks then issues else the epic's resolution is considered. 

Progress calculation on custom field of the epic & issues or sub-task within epic

Here, all the three checkboxes are true with progress calculations to be made on the basis of custom field. System calculates the epic key result progress on the basis of custom field value of subtask within the Jira issues of the epic. At times, epic may not contain a subtask within its issues. In such case, system looks for custom field value of the issue within that epic, if there no issue, then custom field value of the epic will be considered. 


While considering the progress on the basis of custom fields, system needs some weightage to calculate the progress. Weightages can be defined only for subtasks & issues when all three checkboxes are true. Define weightages in one of the following mentioned ways.  

  • Equal weightages of subtasks/issues.

  • Weightages on the basis of custom fields of subtasks/issues.  

To understand the exact way of the progress calculation read

Last 2 checkboxes are true 

Progress calculation on the basis of Jira issue status category of the epic & issues within epic

When last two checkboxes are true, the system calculates the epic key result progress on the basis of Jira issues contained in the epic. Depending on the number of issues in the epic, progress contribution of each issue is decided and displayed as the progress of epic key result according to their resolution. If there are no Jira issues in the epic, the system considers the resolution of the epic and the progress will be shown 0% or 100% on the basis of resolution is empty or not empty. 

When only last two checkboxes are true, even if there are any subtasks in Jira issues, the system completely ignores that and shows the progress on the basis of the number and resolution of the Jira issue.

Progress calculation on the basis of custom field of the epic & issues within epic

In this case, system calculates the progress of epic key result on the basis of custom field value of issues in the epic. In such a case, even if there are any sub tasks in issues, system completely ignores them. If there are no issues in the epic, then the custom field of the epic is considered. If the custom field is not applicable, epic's resolution is considered for the progress calculation. 


While considering the progress on the basis of custom fields, system is configurable enough to define the weightages for these progress calculations. When the last two checkboxes are true, weightages can be defined only for issues and not epics. 

  • Equal weightages of issues.

  • Weightages on the basis of custom fields of issues.  

Only last checkbox is true 

Progress calculation on the basis of Jira issue status category of the epic.

When only last one checkbox is true (this becomes mandatory if first two are false), the system calculates the epic key result progress on the basis of the resolution of the epic itself. This means, that if the resolution is empty, the progress of epic key result would be 0%. If the resolution is not empty, the progress of epic key result would be 100%. 

When only last one checkbox is true, even if there are any Jira issues or within the epic, the system completely ignores them and shows the progress on the basis of the resolution of the epic.

Progress calculation on basis of custom field of the epic. 

When only last option is true and the epic KR progress is set to be calculated on the basis of the custom field value, whatever value contains in the custom field is considered as the progress of the epic KR.  Even if there are issues and subtasks in the epic, system does not consider them at all. If the custom field is not applicable to the epic, then the resolution of the epic is used to calculate the epic KR progress. 


When the progress is being calculated only considering the epic, there will be no weightage as epic is the only entity for progress calculation. 

Progress calculation when issues other than epics are key results

Like Jira epics, one can also add Jira issues as key results. Jira issues work as containers for subtasks and it might be important to consider the progress of subtasks within Jira issue to measure the progress of Jira issue key results.

As shown in the highlighted part of the image below, the system provides two options whether user wants to consider Jira issue status category of subtasks or status category of Jira issue to measure Jira issue key result progress. Also whether the calculation should be done on the Jira issue status category of subtasks or on any specific custom field. 

Both checkboxes are true

Progress calculation on basis of rJira issue status category of the issue and subtasks

When both the options are true, the system calculates the progress of Jira issue key result on the basis of the number of subtasks and their resolution. If there are no subtasks within the Jira issue, Jira issue key result progress is measured on the basis of Jira issue resolution. 

Progress calculation on basis of custom field of the issue and subtasks

In this case, system considers the custom field value of the subtask for the progress calculation of Jira issue KR. If there are no subtasks in the issue, then the custom field value if the issue is considered for progress calculations. In any case, the defined custom field is not applicable to the issue or subtask, then the calculation is done on the basis of the resolution of the sub-task or issues. 


While considering the progress on the basis of custom fields, system also needs some weightages for these progress calculations. Weightages can be defined only for subtasks and not the issues. Define the weighatge calculation in two ways -  

  • Equal weightages of subtasks.

  • Weightages on the basis of custom fields of subtasks.  

Last checkbox is true

Progress calculation on basis of Jira issue status category of the issue

When the last option is true and progress calculations is to be done on the basis of the resolution filed of the Jira issue, system only checks whether the resolution filed of the issue is empty or not empty. When only last option is true, even if there are subtasks within the Jira issue, Jira issue key result progress is measured on the basis of Jira issue resolution and subtasks are ignored completely. 

Progress calculation on basis of custom field of the issue

When progress is to be calculated on the custom fields of the Jira issue KRs, system considers the defined custom field value of the issue. When the custom fields is not applicable to the issue, system looks for the Jira issue status category of the issue. In this case, even if there are some subtasks in the issue, system will not consider them. 


When the progress is being calculated only considering only Jira issue, there will be no weightage as Jira issue is the only entity for progress calculation. 

Read How does the progress calculation of Jira issues and epics works? to know details of this feature.

  • When the progress calculation settings are configured with custom fields, one needs to know the custom field id. This custom field can be retrieved only by Jira admin/s. Share this this Atlassian documentation link with Jira admin on how to find the Jira custom field ids?

  • In case, the custom fields are empty or not applicable for any sub-task, issue or epic, system calculates the progress on the Jira issue status category.

  • Whenever any changes are made in these settings, existing Jira epics and issue key results will get recalculated according to the changes in these settings. 

JQL job frequency 

Whenever any change happens in the issue statuses or any issue is added or deleted from search results according to your JQL, system should recalculate the progress percentage of the KR. For the recalculation, we have added this cron expression to decide the frequency of jobs to recalculate the progress percentage. By default,  progress is recalculated by system four times a day (every six hours starting at 00 am every day).

Of course, you can change these cron expressions to set any frequency.  Refer to the image below for some more cron expressions. 

Apart from this, to override these cron expression settings, one can simply use the refresh given on right side of the respective KR on the objective detail page. 

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