Default visibility

Default visibility

Although OKRs methodology recommends public visibility of all levels of objectives and KRs, organisations may not want to make all OKRs visible. In such a case, UpRaise provides the complete flexibility for the same.

We heard from many customers that sometimes users share OKRs with wrong teams or all users by mistake. To avoid such a case, default visibility can be used. Which means as UpRaise admins, define what visibility options should be available for end users and whether given options are selected by default or not.

As shown in above image, there are three columns -

  • Visibility - Types of visibility options are listed under this column

  • Is enabled? - Define whether given options are enabled or disabled.

    • If disabled, that option will not be displayed on create/edit OKRs pop-up

  • Is defult - Define which visibility type should be applicable by default. Users can override this defult setting when needed.

  • Use case -

    • At Acme foundation, certain objectives for each team are not supposed to be publically visible. However, team manager by mistake made those objectives visible to all users since the defult settings were not defined properly as per their need.

    • Using above setting, they set objectives visible only to handful of team managers and OKRs experts. As n when needed they override this defulat behaviors for relevant OKRs and choose other available visibility opetions per case.

    • This way they could avoided making objectives public unnecessarily.



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