What is the impact of objective visibility on alignment?

What is the impact of objective visibility on alignment?

In an ideal OKR world, all your objectives will be public & thus there shouldn't be much of a problem when it comes to alignment. Simply because there are no complex situations in which visibility permissions have to be checked. But in the real world, teams use 'restricted visibility' on objectives and also need an alignment for making sure the progress rolls up. 

In such cases, UpRaise intelligently displays right messaging to the users who do not have visibility into a certain objective that is a link in the alignment - 'this objective is not visible to you.'

For example, let us say there are 2 users A & B. A has access to both objective 1 & objective 2, thus he creates an alignment between the two. Now user B who only has access to objective 2, navigates to the detail view or listing view and looks at objective 2. This user does see that there is an alignment for objective 2, but since objective 1 is not visible he only sees the message - 'this objective is not visible to you.'

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