Release page access setting (Private, Restricted, Public, Off)


In our Automated Release Notes app, we offer various access types for release pages to cater to different user needs and privacy preferences. These access types allow you to control who can view the release pages created based on different use cases/for different target audiences, etc. Below are the four access types available -


  • Private - This access type restricts access to the release page to only those users who have been explicitly logged in to your JSM portal. It ensures maximum privacy and confidentiality for the releases with sensitive information.

  • Restricted - With the restricted access type, you can manage the release page in two ways -

    • Restrict it for JSM users with an email from a specific domain

    • Restrict it for any emails with specific domains (this is independent of JSM users)

      • When you are using this option, users can enter their email address and if their email domain is allowed to log in to the release page, they get a link on the given email to access the release page.

      • Please note that the link users get via email remains active only for 24 hours. If they want to access the release page again, they should request a new link to get access.

    • This option balances privacy and accessibility, allowing controlled sharing of release information within relevant end users.

  • Public - The public access type makes the release page accessible to anyone, including users who are not logged in to the application. It is ideal for sharing release information with a wider audience, such as customers, partners, or the general public, without requiring authentication.

  • Off - When the access type is set to "Off," the release page is not accessible to anyone, effectively disabling its visibility. This option may be useful during development or when the release information is not ready for sharing.

How users can login to the private release page?

Jira service management (JSM) should be installed on the same Jira instance to enable private access to release page.

  • On the landing page, users will see the login option.

  • When user clicks on the login button, they will be redirected to your JSM portal login page.

  • Once user logs into the JSM portal with valid credentials, they will be redirected to the release page.

If the user is already logged into the JSM customer portal on the same browser, they will not be redirected to JSM login page and will get logged into the release page automatically.

How users can login to the restricted release page?

  • On the landing page, users will see the login option.

Restricted page.png

Below are some cases based on which you’d see how users are restricted or given access to the release page

Has JSM account (Assumption is user is not logged in to JSM account)

Belongs to given domain




User is redirected to JSM account to login. Once logged they are given an access to release page once clicked on the release page link.



User is redirected to login. Once logged in and clicked on release page and below message will be displayed -

This release page is not accessible to you. Please contact the release page admin to get relevant access.



User is redirected to sign up on JSM. Once signed up, they need to click on release page link and they can access the release page



User is redirected to sign up on JSM. Once signed up, they need to click on release page link however below message will be displayed -

This release page is not accessible to you. Please contact the release page admin to get relevant access.

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