LinkedIn announcement


With addition to other multiple types of templates, ARN includes a LinkedIn Announcement template. This template is typically used to make a LinkedIn announcement of product releases. This give an immense flexibility to publish release notes for a large audience on Linkedin.

This template is currently available only for Cloud version of the app.

Create a Linkedin announcement template

Navigate to the Templates >> click on the Create button


This brings to the template creation page, select LinkedIn announcement type of template.

li temlate.png

Make any required changes & Save them to create a new template. As shown in the above image, one can add the announcement content and ARN variables.

Edit a Linkedin announcement template

An existing LinkedIn Announcement template can be edited by clicking on the template name link from the list. To identify relevant templates, use filters like Name, type, etc.

Template that can be edited

This will brings to the template edit screen, which is the same as that of create, except, data is pre-populated for the current template. Make any required changes, click on save and the template is updated.

Local level templates can always be edited right away. However, whether a global template can be edited in the given project depends on where it was created. If it was created within the current project, then it can be edited otherwise it cannot be.

To know more about template levels, read this - Templates | What are template levels local & global?

Template that cannot be edited

If the template was not originally created within the current project, it cannot be edited here. Save button will not be available in this case. And an additional message is displayed indicating the parent project for the template.

Delete a template

An existing template can be deleted by clicking on the delete icon from the list.

Template that can be deleted

Template that can be deleted will have a delete button in the rightmost column of the template list view as shown in the image above.

Template that cannot be deleted

If the template was not originally created within the current project, then it cannot be deleted here. Delete button will not be available in this case.

Preview Linkedin announcement template

When creating or editing a Linkedin announcement template, it can be previewed immediately. Just click on the Preview button, once desired changes have been done.

This will bring you to the preview page. Choose inputs based on ARN variables added in the template & click Preview.

This will generate the LinkedIn announcement template preview.

Linkedin announcement template fields

  • Template name

    • This is for internal reference & doesn’t show up in the actual release announcement.

  • Level

    • Local or Global - Determines whether the template is available to be used in other projects across Jira.

    • Linkedin announcement templates on cross-project screen have this field disabled from editing & set to ‘cross-project’ by default.

  • Announcement message

    • The actual release announcement content is added within this field.

Check action to understand how to publish the LinkedIn announcement.


Currently there are some limitations with template and its rule action. The plan is to work on these step by step based on customer feedback and app roadmap. Feel free to share your suggestions on ARN Service desk to improve this feature further.

  • It currently does not support adding images to LinkedIn announcements.

  • Like other ARN templates it does not support functions like stats and charts, custom variables, JQLs, etc.