How feedback is associated with UpRaise forms module?

How feedback is associated with UpRaise forms module?

Feedback feature within UpRaise is meant for short and frequent feedback. This feature is to let your team share their voice. All these short and frequent feedback can be referred together over a period of time in annual/ semi annual performance review forms. To headstart with performance reviews, you can use these feedback snippets.

End users will see a 'feedback' tab while filling up the form only if Show feedback option is checked while designing form template. Once you click on that tab it will show feedback messages (depending on the feedback visibility) that the team member/reviewee has received.

A few important points to note

  • If review period is selected while distributing form, you will see feedback those are shared in the review period. If needed you can use filter option and change dates to see feedback for a particular duration. (of course this honors the visibility setting of feedback)

  • If form distributor has unchecked Show feedback option, feedback tab will not be available.

  • If review period is not defined while distributing a form, all visible feedback of the reviewee will be listed in the feedback tab. 

  • Use Show more option to see more feedback in the list.













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