Give & request feedback

Give feedback

Click on Give feedback option from feedback page/ icon in left navigation. On give feedback pop up -

New feedback labels can be created only if labels related settings are done as explained here.

  • Message - You can type your feedback message and share feedback.

  • Use format - This field is active only if feedback format option is tuned on. Select the relevant format.

  • Shared with section on the left side of the pop-up -

    • All users - If this option is selected, feedback is made visible to all UpRaise users.

    • Visible to selected teams and users - If this option is selected, feedback is made visible to teams & users of your choice.

    • None - If this option is selected, feedback is saved as Note. Note is only visible to the feedback creator and can be shared with others when needed by simply changing visibility option.

    • Click on Save.

Request feedback

Click on Request feedback option from feedback page/ icon in left navigation. On Request feedback pop up -

About - By default logged in user is selected here. You can change and select any other UpRaise user if you are requesting feedback for someone else.

From - Select the username whom you want to request a feedback.

On - Select whether your feedback is on Jira issue, Objective, Key result or it is an Independent feedback. Read for more details.

Message - You can type your feedback request message and share feedback.

Use format - This field is active only if feedback format option is tuned on. Select the relevant format.

Feedback request is only shared with the user selected in From field. While giving feedback one can select visibility option as explained in Give feedback section above.

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