Key result details page

Key result details page contains all of its information. Following is the list of all details one by one.

  1. Associated objective Objective ID & KR ID

  2. Objective title

  3. Here you can notice KR progress %, Confidence score & status, whereas icon indicates the automated progress calculation option.

  4. These are some action buttons. These buttons will be visible to the logged-in users based on what permissions they have.

    1. Edit - Edit KR attributes

    2. Comment - Add a comment on the KR

    3. Punch-in - Punch-in the KR progress. This button is visible only if you have sufficient permission

    4. More - This contains different actions like & delete.

  5. Here you will be able to see KR description added while creating or editing the KR

  6. This section lists all the KR actions. Read

  7. The alignments section shows the objective associated with KR

  8. Here you can add relevant attachments to objective details page

  9. Activity section contains a few tabs.

    1. Comments - This list downs all comments

    2. Feedback - This tab is visible only if objectives are associated with Feedback. This list downs all Given & Requested feedback on the objective. Read

    3. History - It list downs all information of activities on KR

    4. Reminders - Read

  10. KR owner name & their designation

  11. KR related information

  12. This shows a quick view of associated objectives

  13. Progress chart based on punch-ins

  14. Other KR-related details.

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