How can I request feedback? (v3.8.6)

How can I request feedback? (v3.8.6)

Requesting feedback is quite a simple process. In Employee Success, one can request a feedback on Jira issue, objectives, KRs or anything else that is not related to OKRs or Jira issues. Click on request feedback in Employee Success top menu. It opens the request feedback pop-up. 

One can ask feedback for himself or someone else on any of the above types. 

Similar to while giving feedback, one can associate this request with a certain Jira issue, objective, key result. if required, association with any of the given types is not mandatory when feedback is generic. 

'Feedback by' user is notified of the feedback request. 'feedback for' wouldn't know that a feedback request has been raised for his performance. While responding to this feedback request, 'feedback by' user has complete control over 'shared with' parameter. Thus, who can view this feedback is decided when responding to the feedback request.

For example, an HR manager wants to know feedback about employee A's performance during the probation period. Here, the HR manager can ask for feedback for employee A from her direct manager.

When requesting a feedback on objective or KR, logged in user would see the list of objectives or KRs those are visible to her. One can request feedback for objective and KRs even if they are not visible to the feedback provider. Feedback provider will not be able to see objective or KR, however, she can still provide a feedback. 

Currently, requesting feedback on objectives or KRs is only available for server version.