Progress % calculation of epic key results before v3.8.2

Employee Success allows you to add Jira issues as key results within objectives at different levels. Epics are special kind of Jira issues, which in turn can comprise of other Jira issues. Thus Employee Success handles epics uniquely to calculate progress%. 

In the image below, SCRUM-32 (which is an epic) is added as KR and its progress is 0%, since the issues contained within it have resolution parameter set to empty.

These are the issues contained within the epic. All of them have 'Resolution' empty & thus progress on the epic is calculated as 0%.

When resolution field of these issues is updated in Jira, progress will be automatically updated on Employee Success as well. You can notice in the image below that one issue is in done status whereas another is In progress and rest in to do.

Employee Success reads the data from resolution fields hence it only shows the progress percentage according to one issue that is in done status.

Resolution parameter of an epic is considered only when there are no issues contained within that epic. Otherwise, resolution of the individual items contained within that epic will be considered for calculation progress.

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