Can I use UpRaise for receiving feedback from service desk portal?

Can I use UpRaise for receiving feedback from service desk portal?

Not anymore - Service desk integration for continuous feedback is no more available in UpRaise.

Service desk tags

Service desk tags are used to classify feedback that your customers can provide on service desk tickets to your agents. These tags will be used by the customers through Jira service desk customer portal. The main purpose behind classifying the feedback is that it can be quantified to generate trends & help identify individual performance over a period of time. These tags are separately customizable from the internal tags.

The service desk tags can be configured from the ‘administration’ > ‘continuous feedback’ > ‘service desk tags’ section.

Tags label - A small & easily identifiable text.

Description - A verbose description of the tag.

Color Code - A color associated with each of the tags.

Position - A sequence in which these tags appear.

As shown above, the default tag labels are: ‘Excellent’, ‘Good’ and ‘Poor’. We recommend changing these according to the needs of your organization.

Adding a tag

A new tag can be added with a tag label,description and associated color code. Tags should be customized to suit your organisation culture. There is no limitation on the number of tags that can be added; however, we recommend a maximum of five.To add a tag, type in the label name and tag description into the ‘new tag’ fields at the bottom of the list. Choose a tag color and click ‘add’ to save the tag. Please note that the color code picker does not work on keyboard tab-in, one has to mouse click within the box for color picker to open.

Editing a tag

To edit a tag, click the pencil icon that appears on mouse-over. This editing impacts feedback retroactively i.e. if the tag that is being edited is already used in feedback, the changes you make will change the existing feedback tags as well.

Deleting a tag

Deleting a tag is allowed only if that tag is not yet used in any feedback. Once a tag is deleted it will stop appearing in the ‘Give feedback’ pop-up.Click ‘delete’ next to the tag to remove it, then confirm the removal.

Updating the order of tags

The order in which tags appear on the service desk can be changed by moving tags up or down within the ‘service desk tags’ list within Employee Success' administration area.

To move a tag, hover over the ‘vertical bar’ found on the left side of the tag list entry. When your cursor becomes a ‘+’sign, click and drag the entry up or down, according to your preference. Once changed, the Tags order will be automatically saved.

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