ARNR Specific macros (Confluence helper app macros)


JQL section macro

Either use the shortcut command (/JQL or /ARNR) to find the macro or use + icon in the Confluence editor to search the macro with options JQL/ARNR. Once the Macro appears, click on it.


JQL macro1.png

Now this will open the Insert JQL Section pop-up. Here you can add JQL section the same way you do it via ARNR templates or any other type of . You can also use all the options like Feilds and Layout here same as you use in JQL section within ARNR.

You will notice below differences of JQL sections in ARNR templates vs JQL section in the Confluence template added via JQL macro -

JQL section in ARNR templates

JQL section via JQL macro in Confluence template

Section tab has the wyswyg editor

No wyswyg editor

JQLs are automatically validated

Manual JQL validation needed

Supports Stats function

Stats & bar chart function not available yet. We are working on this enhancement.

Supports variable function

Separate macro available for Variables, you can copy variables from macro /directly type variables in JQL sections

Supports Custom variables function

You can use custom variables in Confleunce template that are created in ARNR app. Read

Please note, if you have not added a token within Helper app configurations, the JQL will not auto-populate and you will have to manually update the JQL. Since it could be error-prone we strongly recommend completing the setup as mentioned in Checklist .

Adjust column width when using Table layout

As shown in below image, navigate to Layout tab in Insert/Edit JQL section pop-up. Click on icon beside Table option, add the column width % for each column (fields selected in Fields tab), and Insert.



Based on configurations, table is created on the Confluence page. This way, user can decide the column width depending on the content being added to the given table.


  • By default, all the selected fields will have equally distributed column width %

  • When configuring column width %, if the total goes beyound 100%, the horizontal scroll is added to the table on plublished Conflunce page.

AI generator macro

In the Confleunce page that you want to create as template, type search for the AI generator macro from Confluence macro section or using / as a shortcut. Refer below image -

Feilds in AI generator macro

  • Title - This title will show up in release notes for the summary generated using this feature

  • Prompt - Give a prompt to AI based on what content needs to be generated as a summary. You can input a maximum of 500 characters as a prompt.

    • +Variables - You can use ARNRR variables so those will be replaced with relevant values from the associated Jira issues

  • JQL - Detail out the JQL so system retrieves the relevant Jira issues. System will look for the Jira issye fields that you have specified below and it will consider that selected field for the issues retrieved as per the JQL.

    • Validate JQL - Select any project just to validate the JQL you have added.

When you select 'Use a Jira issue Field' it list down all Jira issue fields of below type -

  • Summary (default Jira field)

  • Short text (Plain text only)

  • Hide section - Check this option if you wish to hide this AI-generated section when there are no issues retrieved from the given JQL.

  • Message - If you uncheck, Hide section option above then define the message you want to show when there are no issues retrieved from the JQL.

Once you are done with specifying all the above fields, click on Insert. You can check the preview to check what content AI has generated. You edit the content manually or update the prompt based on the given content and what you were expecting as a result.

Variable macro

For variables, you can use variable macro. simply type /variables or use the + icon and search for a macro called Variables - Automated Release notes for Jira (ARNR) in the template.

Search for the relevant variable. Copy to use anywhere in JQL, template title, etc.


This feature is currently in Beta and we will be adding more capabilities in the next few releases. Current limitations are as below -

  • Images/videos directly added to the confluence side templates are not supported on the published page yet

  • You cannot preview the template output before executing the Rule Action

  • Following fields only support 'Display as text' -

    • Issue type

    • Status

    • Priority

    • SLA fields

  • Some of the visual elements within the wiki renderer field such as lozenge/status, code block, etc are not fully supported.

Date macro

As shown in the below image, one can search for a Date macro. Click on Date macro displayed with ARNR app name.

Once the macro is launched, you can use variables related to dates like releaseDate, startDate, sprintStartDate, etc. Selected variable will be replaced by the actual date from within Jira when release notes are published.

Please feel free to share any queries or feedback on our Support portal.

Status macro

Status macro is add different statuses in the customizable release notes. You can just add the title of the status or select a variable from the dropdown so the status is replaced by the actual value of a selected variable. Then choose color coding and utilize them to show release statuses, sprint statuses, issue statuses, etc.

Stats macro

With this macro, now you can stats similar to the ones you can add to ARNR templates.

Once clicked on the macro, below pop-up is displayed -

Add Macro Title, Once the JQL is added it needs to be validated. If it is not validated, needs to correct and get validated. ( A trick here is that you may want to paste the same JQL in Jira and get it corrected!). Use the correct function to show stats. If needed, numbers can be displayed as links to the underlying issues using Display as link option.

Filters/Jira issues macro

This macro allows to users add Jira issues/filter macro along with ARNR variables with the JQL. To search this macro on your Confluence page/template type /Jira issues and notice the pop-up shows Jira issues/filters - Automated release notes for Jira (ARNR) macro.

Once you click on it, it loads a pop-up as below -

Below are the feilds -

  • Title - Add the title of the filter

  • JQL - Specify the JQL to retrieve issues to be published on the Confluence page. You can also use ARNR variables in the JQL.

  • Project - This dropdown field appears if the project variable is used in JQL. Select the relevant project and validate JQL

  • Validate JQL - This button appears when you add a JQL

  • Maximum issues - Mention the maximum number of issues to be displayed on a listing page

  • Select the fields (columns) - Select the columns to be displayed

  • Select the output format - Select whether the output format should be Table or Total count of the retrieved issues via configured JQL.

Output for Table format

Output for total count format

In the template page, you can add variables using so when the release notes are published, these variables are replaced by their actual values.