Data center V 6.4 updates

Data center V 6.4 updates


Automated Release Notes

Version name


Release date

Dec 9, 2023



Features & improvements - 3
Bug fixes - 3


Features and improvements

  • Now you can use version names in webhook parameters! 👍

    We've made it easier to pass version input in webhook parameters! Now you can use version names instead of just version IDs. Use the versionName parameter instead of the versions parameter to pass the version names in encoded format.

    Know more.


  • Ability to change the order of rule actions 🔀

    You can now easily change the order of rule actions in a rule. Just drag and drop them wherever you want in the list.


  • Ability to trigger a rule when a sprint starts in Jira.▶️

    We've added support to automate rule execution when a sprint starts in Jira. Select the "Sprint started" trigger on the rules page.

    Know more.


Bug fixes

  • Resolved - issues with contents of account type of fields 🛠️

    Contents of account type of fields were not reproduced correctly within ARN templates in some cases. This has been fixed now.


  • Fixed issue where TOC macro did not work with empty optional fields.

    Previously, if some of the optional fields in the configurations were left empty, the TOC macro was not functioning properly. This issue has now been fixed.


  • Issues with JSM portal annoucements resolved.🐛

    Announcements that were posted on the JSM portal through the ARN rule encountered issues in certain situations. This problem has now been resolved.