Data center V 6.8 updates

Data center V 6.8 updates


Automated Release Notes

Version name


Release date

Apr 18, 2024



Features & improvements - 2
Bug fixes - 4


Features and improvements

  • Choose the starting day of the week for your ARN calendar 🗓️

    You can now choose which day of the week you want your calendar to start on in Jira. Just go to the calendar tab or the ARN calendar gadget, and select either Monday or Sunday from the provided options.



  • Default values for custom variables in JQL validations and previews. 💡

    Now you can set a default value for custom variables. This value will be used for JQL validations and shown on template and rule preview screens. This means you can use custom variables with default Jira fields (like issue key and components) in your JQLs. And guess what? The default values even show up on the template and rule preview screens. So if you're using the same values over and over, just set them as defaults and save yourself some time.

    Know more.



Bug fixes

  • Bug fixed: Users can now add new options to 'Single select' custom variables. 👍

    Users were not able to add new options to the existing ‘Single select’ type of custom variables. We have now fixed this issue.


  • The 'Integrations' tab error in ARN's App configurations screen has been resolved. 🛠️

    Some users encountered an error when trying to access the 'Integrations' tab within the App configurations screen of ARN. This issue hindered them from viewing or modifying integration settings. However, it has now been resolved.


  • Rule action logs- Security issue fixes 🔐

    We have worked on some security enhancements associated with rule action logs.


  • Markdown templates- Security issue fixes 🔐

    We have worked on some security enhancements associated with markdown templates.


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