Data center V 6.5 updates

Data center V 6.5 updates


Automated Release Notes

Version name


Release date

Jan 8, 2024



Features & improvements - 1
Bug fixes - 2


Features and improvements

  • Ability to skip subsequent actions in a rule if there is a failure. 👍

    Skip subsequent rule actions if the confluence or release page rule action fails. Useful when passing URLs to subsequent actions to avoid empty outputs.


Bug fixes

  • Ability to apply custom styling to TOC macro in PDF templates

    You can now apply custom CSS styling to the heading and entries of the TOC macro within PDF templates.


  • Fixed issue with blank pages in PDFs when JQL section is empty. 📃

    We resolved the issue of blank pages appearing in PDFs when a JQL section with a page break before or after it does not generate any data.