Data center V 6.2 updates

Data center V 6.2 updates


Automated Release Notes

Version name


Release date

Sep 21, 2023



Features & improvements - 2
Bug fixes - 5


Features and improvements

  • Ability to hide orphan label of a Jira field in sequential layout 😇

    Implement an automatic feature that hides the label variable of a Jira field when the field is empty for certain issues in your JQL section's sequential layout, resulting in a cleaner and more precise presentation of information for your Jira issues.


  • Custom variables for greater flexibility and customization of your templates. 🤩

    Are you a team who do not use versions or sprints within Jira? Are you someone who is trying to create customized release notes for multiple customers in one go? Create super-customized release notes quickly and easily with the new custom variables feature in ARN. Configure your own custom variables and deploy them within your template body, JQLs, release pages, and widgets. Values for custom variables are passed during template previews or rule executions, enabling you to use one template for multiple purposes.

    Know more.


Bug fixes

  • Security issue fixes 🔐

    We have fixed XSS vulnerabilities at multiple places within the app.


  • Optimized app tours in ARN. ⤴️

    App tours within ARN have been optimized, resolving the existing performance issue.


  • Fixed issue with date picker fields in the JQL section. 🗓️

    Fixed issue causing error when generating release notes with a large number of issues when using a date picker type Jira custom field in the JQL section.


  • Fixed: Group-by field in JQL table caused extra spaces. ✅

    When a group-by field is added to the table layout of a JQL section, extra empty spaces were getting added to the each row of the table. This issue has been fixed now.


  • Fixed! Incomplete table bottom borders in PDFs. 🛠️

    In generating PDFs containing tables, when a table's content extends beyond a single page, on the initial page, the absence of a bottom border for the table creates an incomplete visual. This has been fixed thus presenting a cohesive table.