Data center V 4.8 updates

Data center V 4.8 updates


Automated Release Notes

Version name


Release date

Mar 27, 2023



Features & improvements - 1
Bug fixes - 1


Features and improvements

  • Introducing 'Date macro' in Confluence templates for increased flexibility. 📅

    Introducing the 'Date' macro in the Confluence template! Users can select a date from the date picker or a date variable from the drop-down. This feature allows the creative use of ARN date variables within other macros such as the page properties and the expand macro.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed confluence integration error caused by extended Jira API token length. 🐛

    Fixed Confluence cloud integration issue with the ARN server app caused by an extended character length of Jira API tokens. The issue resulted in an error message on the ARN settings screen while saving confluence integration settings. The problem was due to Atlassian's recent changes to API token length, which can vary.